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  1. #41
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    I almost resent the statement that it would look "odd" to be the only one in a kilt. I was the only kilted man in my wedding. My groomsmen all wore tuxes and I must say it looked wonderful.

    Last edited by Tattoo Bradley; 15th September 07 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #42
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    I just got married 2 weeks ago and I asked my guys to wear Kilts an they loved it. Even my brother who was not really comfortable at first loved it. One guy just converted and ordered a Utilitilkilt today. And everyone at the wedding thought it was really cool that everyone wore them. My one buddy is from India and even he looked great in the kilt. The kilt has mighty powers. It made for some great pics. I will post them soon.
    We used http://www.scotyard.com/ for rentals and I cannot say enough good things about them. A couple of the guys measured wrong and were sent kilts overnight to make sure everything went off without a hitch.

  3. #43
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    There is a long tradition of gentlemen from India serving with the Scottish Regiments when they were deployed to India. There are some great flix floating around somewhere of their kilted formations!

  4. #44
    macwilkin is offline
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    OT: Scots in India...

    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    There is a long tradition of gentlemen from India serving with the Scottish Regiments when they were deployed to India. There are some great flix floating around somewhere of their kilted formations!
    Not necessarily enlisting in the regiments per se, but there is a long-standing connection between the various "martial races", especially the Sikhs and Gurkhas with the Highland regiments. This is why a number of Sikh and Gurkha regiments have adopted the pipes and tartan over the years.

    Most Indians would have joined the Indian Army, and not the regular British Army. I know Sav's (an Xmarks member) grandfather may have been an exception, but I can't say I've seen too much documentation for native rankers in the regular battalions.

    Of course, many Scots served as officers for the aforementioned Indian Army regiments.

    I can recommend some good sources on the Indian Army; Farwell's Armies of the Raj and The Gurkhas are good to start off with, not to mention his masterpiece, Mr. Kipling's Army. Scott Gilmore's book on his service with the 8th Gurkha Rifles is also a ripping yarn, as are any of John Master's and George MacDonald Fraser's books.



  5. #45
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    "Martial Races" I like that! Being a member of that old Scottish Martial Race - The MacUsmc's

    By the way, that's pronounced Mack-Uz-Muck............

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