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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Homestead View Post
    I'm a loud mouth so I guess I would have chimed up. Maybe something along the lines of....

    "Yeah, be offended by it. The Romans defeated everybody in a man skirt.....then the Scots, and the Welsh, and the Cornish. By the way, Keep making fun of my fore fathers, I'm sure nobody at this plant loved brave heart, or Rob Roy, or Gladiator, or 300....because they were all offended. Say, pay no mind to the military of the USA or Canada, they have tartans too...and their all jerks out to offend people."

    Ok, ok....I wouldn't say that....but I would say something. Probly more along the lines of....
    "Everybody has their likes and dislikes I guess."

    Well, sometimes it is indeed better to just say nothing. Oh, and just FYI, the Welsh and Cornish didn't wear kilts. But, that's completely unrelated.

  2. #32
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    If you were up for doing the presentation in a kilt, go for it.

    Just remember the Hellmans rule: keep cool, don't freeze.

    Learned that from the Oklahoma Fire Marshall.

    By the way, the OSHA tie in could be that the main reason kilts were stopped in combat in WW2 was risk of chemical exposure to certain membrane. Say that with a straight face, while you turn to the board, he he.

  3. #33
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    She was just trying to wind you up, & she did

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoobradley View Post
    Well, there was an Indonesian girl at our table who chimes in with "yeah, the bagpipes didn't bother me. But, I was disturbed at the fact he wore a skirt..."
    Here's the first definition given for "disturbed" in dictionary.com -

    1. marked by symptoms of mental illness: a disturbed personality.

    I'd say she described herself accurately!
    Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
    "I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
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  5. #35
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    Or maybe she needs a cranialanalectomy.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank McGrath View Post
    Or maybe she needs a cranialanalectomy.

    Is that the same as a Cranialrectal inversion?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
    Is that the same as a Cranialrectal inversion?
    If I'm not mistaken, it is the surgical procedure to correct that particular condition.
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by cacunn View Post
    To play the devils advocate - having had a number of senior moments where I a word,that I use almost daily, will not come to mind, let ask this question. If you could not remember or never knew the proper name for the kilt how would you describe it?

    I find it hard to believe that in this day and age that someone would not have heard of a kilt, on the other hand, if you don't use the word often it may come come to mind when you need it.

    There are ways to handle episodes of CRS (Can't Remember Stuff) that are better than what has been reported here. Assuming the "lady" was in pants just write it off to lack of air flow to her brain, since she obliviously had her head up her ........
    I don't think the problem is nomencalture. The problem is, she was offended by it, whether she knew the name or not.
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    I don't think the problem is nomencalture. The problem is, she was offended by it, whether she knew the name or not.
    And, at the end of the day, it's OK that she's offended. Those are her feelings and she's entitled to them.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    If I had to guess, I would suspect more people are put off by Bradley's tattoos than his kilts. Like it or not, people are still forming those first impressions of us, no matter how well we blend in with the crowd. But he's also mentioned he has thick skin, which anyone is going to need if they are going to step outside the herd.

    Think of all the styles we have seen come and go, several of which made people stand out in public. If you're not prepared to stand out of the crowd by wearing a kilt, you likely are not prepared to wear a kilt.

  10. #40
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    I think you handled it very well, and indeed, I have nothing to add to most of the discussion.

    Except one little thing.

    A degree (or multiple) does not a worldly person make. I have known many a Masters holder (or doctorate, for that matter) who couldn't place Afghanistan on a map or explain, in even the most basic of terms, the history of a given western nation. Much less eastern. Education usually covers what you need to know, or what they think you need to know. In general it is as bad and usually problematic to assume knowledge from someone seemingly knowledgable as to assume ignorance from anyone else.

    All that said, cheers, you did well.
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