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  1. #31
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    Glad to hear Graham, Macs are great machines, despite Bob's efforts or problems. I've been working on Macs for 20+ years, as well as Windows machines, and all in all more people would rather use Macs (that I've come across) though more are required to use Windows because of company standards, and systems that are not set up to work with Macs.

    Some of the problems you are facing with Outlook/Entourage are problems caused by Microsoft themselves (Data file format differences) though you can find products out there to help with this conversion.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  2. #32
    gseven1 is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Welcome to the Mac. I hope you'll like. I've been working on them basically since the late 80's. They are definitely great computers. I can't remember who said it before, but I agree with the idea of using open source applications. A lot of the proprietary stuff is way to incompatible with anything else. Good luck on the conversion.


  3. #33
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    I got a used TiBook last spring. I prefer it over my self-built Windows desktop. Although, I don't do much more than email/web on it, I have done some photo editing using iLife 08. Nice and simple.

    I just can't wait for the next release of OSX.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    So far, email won't work, nor will it print over a network. I'm having trouble getting Outlook over to Entourage. When I do that I'll need to synch with a Treo.
    as you see, my needs are complex.

    I think they are great computers and I am determined to make it work, then maybe buy a notebook.
    It is all a lot to learn, but it's fun
    and here I thought you were an uncomplicated signmaker with a love for the great outdoors, Graham. Now we find out about all the gadgets and see you're as big a techno-geek as most

    Good luck. My sister went to Mac 6 years ago and I doubt she is every coming back.

  5. #35
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    well colin, that's an interesting comment. I began thinking about it in relation to kilts. Here we are in a modern world, wearing a garment that goes back into the mists of time, and yet we drive cars, use computers etc.

    I love the blending of all that is good of our computer age with that of the best from times ancient.
    So yes, I'm a signwriter living in the "bush" (forest/land), growing my own food, yet having a passion for gadgets

    Thanks archangel, for the link and the offer of help.
    After a week with iMac I have a lot of problems sorted. The iMac has joined the wireless network just fine. A guy from a city Mac Shop down south spent an hour on the phone with me, out of the goodess of his heart, leading me through it.
    I plan to be visiting his shop in a couple of weeks to buy a Macbook.

    I can now synch with my Palm, and finding applications to match what I was doing in Windows.
    The iMac is fast and lovely to work on, not using Mail, I need more so I'm shifted from Outlook to Entourage.

    I think I'm hooked, just need parallels so i can run my sign software. A Mac version means spending several thousand - not worth it.

    Thanks all.

  6. #36
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    What are parallels?
    Has anybody gone over what you can do with displays once you have two, or more, macs (or just displays)?

  7. #37
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    I have no Mac yet. But, I came home yesterday to find my new iPod Touch. It's WiFi capable and XMTS looks super on it.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    What are parallels?
    Has anybody gone over what you can do with displays once you have two, or more, macs (or just displays)?
    Parallels is a program that allows windows to run on a mac.
    I know, I know, I would rather do without windows, but I either keep a pc to run my sign software or I run it on the mac. The iMac screen is WAY better.

  9. #39
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Parallels is a program that allows windows to run on a mac.
    I know, I know, I would rather do without windows, but I either keep a pc to run my sign software or I run it on the mac. The iMac screen is WAY better.
    I have VMware running on my MacBook. I found that it works better than Parallels. Oddly enough XP runs better, and more stable, through VMware on my Mac than it did on my Dell...go figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    What are parallels?
    Has anybody gone over what you can do with displays once you have two, or more, macs (or just displays)?
    I use two displays with my MacBook as one large display. Usually running XP or Linux on one and Mac on the other. I'm sure most who see it assume I am running two computers.

  10. #40
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    Thanks Chef, I remember my son (who uses a mac) mentioned VM ware, thanks for the reminder. Yes, the comment about XP running faster is one I hear repeatedly.

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