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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Ontario wine is diluted by the tears of a million Leaf fans.
    That's great. It's like how the water source near a distillery effects the taste of the whisky.

  2. #12
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    Probably figure wine should be from AD.

    Actually, I've noticed that the US has some interesting laws regarding interstate wine sales. I wanted to send my uncle some Rolling Stones wine but they can't ship from California to Connecticut. They can ship the grape juice but what's the point of that?

    That could be part of the issue, what do I know?

  3. #13
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    More wine stuff

    A few years ago we started an annual trip through the Okanogan wine country. The first year was by motorcycle but that mode has since been abandoned as you just can't carry enough of your new favorites, even when pulling a trailer. Being from the wine country of Washington allows us to try as many as you can buy! But I must say that there are many BC wines comparable to our local wines and several which were outstanding bargains before the bottom fell out of the $$$$.

    I'm with Steve, keep the BC wines secret.

    MacSithigh of Ireland--Southern Donald of Scotland

  4. #14
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    Check these guys out --> http://www.middlemountainmead.com

    At the Ren Faire I worked at the end of July, the pub had the Black Mead and I must say that it was FANTASTIC!!

    I've also heard rumours of a meadery going in somewhere in Burnaby.



  5. #15
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    I may have to do with production volume as well. I don't know the relative amounts between Ontario and BC, but we have a similar situation here in the States. Because California produces SO MUCH wine, it is everywhere in the market. Most people don't know it, but there are wineries in nearly every state (I think Alaska is the only exception). But, if you go into the stores, most of the US wine you find is from California.

    Also, the wholesalers don't want to deal with small volumes. They would much rather deal in a California wine that produces, say 500,000 bottles or more a year, than a wine that produces only 50,000 a year.
    Your absolutely correct about the production in the US except that there are wineries in Alaska. The top two producers are CA 90.2% and NY 4.6%, the other 48 states make up the the rest and i think WA is over 2% so that doesn't leave much for everyone else. I am sure that the case is similar in Canada, and of course they also have the import of all the CA stuff as well.

  6. #16
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    Have you not tried any of our Ontario wines yet?
    Hmmmm...it looks like you're missing an 'h'...

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chef View Post
    Your absolutely correct about the production in the US except that there are wineries in Alaska. The top two producers are CA 90.2% and NY 4.6%, the other 48 states make up the the rest and i think WA is over 2% so that doesn't leave much for everyone else. I am sure that the case is similar in Canada, and of course they also have the import of all the CA stuff as well.
    Wow! I knew that California produced a lot, but I didn't know it had that large a share. When I buy wine here in Maryland, I tend to buy Maryland wines, or from one of the bordering states. Pennsylvania and Virginia have a lot of wineries, but with California producing that much, they're probably still less than 1% each.
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