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  1. #1
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    My PC alternative

    My new mess jacket has arrived. I got it on ebay for £39.00. It is Royal Navy by the rank insignia. The most important thing for me is that the sleeve length is right on. There is a couple of small holes beside one button hole.




    So the advice? I'm not Scottish so I'm not into the whole thistle button. I'll keep the brass anchor buttons. I may keep the lower rank bar and remove the upper. I am Coast Guard Auxiliary and my unit rank of Acting Captain is one gold bar. Bear in mind the Canadian Coast Guard is not military but government worker, the auxiliary, even less formally structured (anyone notice my flowing golden locks?). Should I keep the one rank bar or remove them all together? Any idea on how to fix/disguise the hole? How are mess jackets held closed if at all? As there is no actual way of buttoning it as double breasted.

    One last pic of the jacket on ebay.

  2. #2
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    My new mess jacket has arrived. I got it on ebay for £39.00. It is Royal Navy by the rank insignia. The most important thing for me is that the sleeve length is right on. There is a couple of small holes beside one button hole.




    So the advice? I'm not Scottish so I'm not into the whole thistle button. I'll keep the brass anchor buttons. I may keep the lower rank bar and remove the upper. I am Coast Guard Auxiliary and my unit rank of Acting Captain is one gold bar. Bear in mind the Canadian Coast Guard is not military but government worker, the auxiliary, even less formally structured (anyone notice my flowing golden locks?). Should I keep the one rank bar or remove them all together? Any idea on how to fix/disguise the hole? How are mess jackets held closed if at all? As there is no actual way of buttoning it as double breasted.

    One last pic of the jacket on ebay.
    Your Majesty,

    If I may so humbly offer my opinion I think that type of jacket is held closed by a buttony chainy thingy. (That's the technical term) :cough cough:

    Seriously, I think (others wil chime in) since there are button holes with no buttons that a little "thingy" with two buttons joined by a chain is what you use. It keeps the jacket closed without being too tight or out of shape.

    I personally wouldn't keep the stripes at all but you would know better what is acceptable for the Coast Guard. I've never been military so have aversions to wearing anything remotely resembling a uniform jacket.

    Nice find BTW.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  3. #3
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Good show Grant!

    Since the rank on the sleeve is gold, I think your choice to keep the gold buttons works.

    Regarding the button hole. You will need to find two matching buttons and connect them with a short piece of chain. The chain should be about 1" to 1 1/4" long.

    This device (unknown name) may be available in a local uniform store, as guys are constantly losing them. When the drinking begins, take it off the coat and stick it in a pocket.

    You should look fine...... If a little waiter-ish


  4. #4
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Mess jackets work great with a kilt. I once had a white one that I used during the summer months. Strbkjurs is correct about the buttons and chain. Get two extra buttons and attach them to a small length of matching chain.

    Unless you are wearing a full uniform properly I would suggest removing all military insignia including the buttons. Then it is just a jacket. For kilts silver is the colour for evening rather than brass so I would suggest getting silver buttons. you don't need to get thistles on them. There are sites that sell many different styles of buttons for kilt jackets.

    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    You should look fine...... If a little waiter-ish
    I think less so than with one of the converted waiter jackets. Mess jackets really work well with a kilt.

  5. #5
    I highly recommend removing the rank insignia and replacing the buttons. Otherwise, people mind think you are trying to impersonate a Naval officer.

    Here is what the 2 buttons and chain thingy looks like:

  6. #6
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    http://www.andreitailors.com is the best place I know for Canadian Mess Dress. They should be able to sell you the button-chain-thingy, although the buttons will have the word CANADA between the crown and the anchor.

    As for impersonating a Naval Officer, the Canadian Coast Guard and the Canadian Navy wear similar uniforms. I know that in the Navy a kilt would not be allowed, I don't know about the Coast Guard Auxilliary though. They do have some pretty relaxed uniform standards.


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    As a son of a Rear Admiral RN,I could say no other than remove all the buttons and the rank insignia.My father had a saying that" there is the right way to do things and there is the wrong way of doing things and then there is the Royal Navy's way of doing things!"

    Having said that ,he wore one of his mess jackets,converted with silver buttons etc.,as evening wear,with the kilt, for many many years.It looked great.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 12th October 07 at 07:07 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chef View Post
    Unless you are wearing a full uniform properly I would suggest removing all military insignia including the buttons. Then it is just a jacket.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane View Post
    As for impersonating a Naval Officer, the Canadian Coast Guard and the Canadian Navy wear similar uniforms. I know that in the Navy a kilt would not be allowed, I don't know about the Coast Guard Auxilliary though. They do have some pretty relaxed uniform standards.
    In the US, you would do a Chef says and remove the military style trappings to civilianize the jacket.

    I'm not familiar with the Canadian uniform rules, so you'll have to check them out yourself.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #9
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    I have just been informed that officers in the Royal Navy,with Scottish connections, may now wear the kilt under certain conditions whilst in the Mess.Is this true and how long has this been allowed?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by billmcc View Post
    I highly recommend removing the rank insignia and replacing the buttons. Otherwise, people mind think you are trying to impersonate a Naval officer.

    Here is what the 2 buttons and chain thingy looks like:
    Agreed, there is a big anti in the UK at the moment on non service personel wearing uniform, commonly referred to as "Walting"

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