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    Phi Theta Kappa Induction

    Heres the situation. I have been invited to join our college's division of the honor society Phi Theta Kappa. The induction is formal and it is THIS SUNDAY the 14th. I would like to go kilted but here in lies the problem, I don't really have the accessories to pull of a formal sort of occasion. Leave it to me to wait until the last moment, life has been crazy and I just completely forgot this was coming up. I have a all black suit coat that I have typically worn for "formal" occasions. I am not so attached to it that I wont have it tailored but would that be a huge faux pas? Also, short of building one in a day. . . I don't own a formal sporran. Will I be arrested by the kilt police if I don't wear a sporran at all? Finally there is the kilt hose issue. All I have are my over the calf dress socks. . . Any suggestions, hints, comments are welcome and appreciated. I dont want to have to go in my trousers but I also dont want to look like a louse in my kilt!

  2. #2
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    First of all, congratulations on the Phi Theta Kappa! You should be proud of yourself!
    Now, as to the kilt issue: Tough problem. You can wear a regular suit coat or blazer with a kilt but it looks funny because it's too long. You don't have the accessories in a formal wear sporran or hose.
    Suggestions: 1. Go to a sporting goods store and get some nice soccer socks that match the color in your kilt (or in black). This may do for hose in a pinch.
    2. Wear the day sporran that you made and posted pix of. Maybe you can dress it up with a celtic pin or badge on the flap?
    3. Look at a thrift store or uniform store for a waiter's jacket or mess jacket (a short, waist length jacket). Or maybe you can find a tweed one in your size and beg a friend who sews to modify it quickly to the standards of a kilt jacket--lots of threads on how to do that on this board.

    Time is tight. Honestly, if you can't pull it off, just go without the kilt this time and work on a formal outfit for next time. You don't want to go looking sloppy.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by berserkbishop View Post
    Heres the situation. I have been invited to join our college's division of the honor society Phi Theta Kappa. The induction is formal and it is THIS SUNDAY the 14th. I would like to go kilted but here in lies the problem, I don't really have the accessories to pull of a formal sort of occasion. Leave it to me to wait until the last moment, life has been crazy and I just completely forgot this was coming up. I have a all black suit coat that I have typically worn for "formal" occasions. I am not so attached to it that I wont have it tailored but would that be a huge faux pas? Also, short of building one in a day. . . I don't own a formal sporran. Will I be arrested by the kilt police if I don't wear a sporran at all? Finally there is the kilt hose issue. All I have are my over the calf dress socks. . . Any suggestions, hints, comments are welcome and appreciated. I dont want to have to go in my trousers but I also dont want to look like a louse in my kilt!
    Firstly, Congratulations! I received an invitation to the ceremony in my mailbox, but I'm going out of town overnight on a storytelling gig, so I won't be able to go.

    When you say "formal", do you mean "black tie", or are we talking dress shirt and tie. Being OTC, I can't imagine a full formal rig event.



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    jackson1863 is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTrain View Post
    Time is tight. Honestly, if you can't pull it off, just go without the kilt this time and work on a formal outfit for next time. You don't want to go looking sloppy.
    Congratulations! I concur with DTrain. I would discourage you from rushing to get a jacket, dress sporran, etc.. With such a time crunch you might be tempted to settle for items that you would not buy otherwise. I would encourage you to take your time and buy items that you will wear for many years to come on many formal occasions.

    That's just my advice and it's worth what you paid for it.

  5. #5
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    Let me add my congratulations!

    I don't know which school you attend but I think, in general, Phi Theta Kappa understands that college students - even really smart ones - don't have extensive wardrobes. It may just be that a white shirt and back tie are enough. You might look for a gently used waistcoat (vest) at the thrift shop and some plain talll soccer type socks at the local sports discount store.

    Best of luck and take lots of photos!

  6. #6
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Congratulations! I am a member and I wore kilt. It was accepted very nicely!

    Again Congratulations!

  7. #7
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    First off, HUUUUGE Congratulations.
    Second, I think with a kilt, a smart shirt and tie and the sporran you have you would look just great.
    If you can get a jacket altered in time, great. If not, you don't ABSOLUTELY need it.

    Whatever you do, have a great time.

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    I'll tell you, things being what they are, I'd at least try everything on and get a couple of opinions. One suggestion that I will make is that you do a dress shirt and a necktie and a dark vest. Yes, kilt jackets are cut short for a good reason but I have seen a few photos of guys wearing regular jackets and it didn't look really egregiously wrong...it depends a lot on your build and the cut of the jacket. I think that jackets that are cut -for lack of a better word- skinny can look passable but jackets that are a very full cut don't work.

    I have a cheap tweed jacket from Old Navy that I've worn a couple of times just for lack of having anything else and I don't think it looks all that awful. I went back to Old Navy a few weeks later and found another copy of the same jacket for $9.00 so I bought it and started deconstructing it in order to turn it into a kilt jacket. I've run into a few snags but a couple of the tutorials on the forum have helped considerably..FHACG and David Dalglish have posted some great tutorials.

    I suppose that you and I (and many other members of the Kilted Brethren...and Sistren) have the same cry of woe: "Oh, for an unlimited budget with which to purchase any and all kilt accoutrements that I desire!"



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    If it were me, I would rather look great wearing a regular suit or sport jacket outfit well than a kilted outfit badly. You have plenty of time. Wait until you've got all the elements for a dressy kilted outfit together and then the next time you are called on to attend a formal or dressy situatio you will really wow 'em!


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  10. #10
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    First, congratulations.

    Second, I admire your desire to wear the kilt. However, be careful trying to throw your outfit together. I have read many of your past posts i I know you want to be taken seriously in your kilt. Since you don't have the time (or budget) to do it properly perhaps you should wear trousers this time. As Jamie said wear a suit well rather than a kilt badly.

    Regular length jackets don't look good enough with the kilt for anything but casual wear and I doubt you could make a dress sporran overnight. Now, start thinking about the future requirements for formal wear and start working on it now.

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