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Thread: Kilt too big

  1. #21
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    In the picture, it was about 2" above the navel...

    I really just think it's too big, on the tightest setting on the straps I can slide the kilt on over my hips.

    I don't know what to do...

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmmcscott View Post
    In the picture, it was about 2" above the navel...

    I really just think it's too big, on the tightest setting on the straps I can slide the kilt on over my hips.

    I don't know what to do...
    Sending it back to Scotland I highly doubt that you'll get it back in time for Thankgiving (especially Canadian Thanksgiving which has already past). You do have your other kilt I'm sure that you can dress that up. Another option is SWK. If you order it today you'll have it yesterday (and you think I'm kidding). Decent kilts at a decent price, and you'll be up to a respectable three kilts. Sorry I couldn't be of more help or hope.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Sending it back to Scotland I highly doubt that you'll get it back in time for Thankgiving (especially Canadian Thanksgiving which has already past). You do have your other kilt I'm sure that you can dress that up. Another option is SWK. If you order it today you'll have it yesterday (and you think I'm kidding). Decent kilts at a decent price, and you'll be up to a respectable three kilts. Sorry I couldn't be of more help or hope.
    You've been a wonderful help! I've sent the company an e-mail asking if they have a smaller size in stock, so we'll see what happens.

  4. #24
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    Here is a caution for you. If this is a hurry job and you pay for fedex or
    UPS you will pay duty and fees on the replacement as well as whatever you might have paid for the original screwup. Even though you send back the original, unless the invoice for the replacement is marked as a REPAIR, it will be proceessed as a new entry with duty owed. This happened to me last year and I fought to no avail. If you go by mail there's no guarantee you'll get it on time, but a better chance you won't pay duties.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    Here is a caution for you. If this is a hurry job and you pay for fedex or
    UPS you will pay duty and fees on the replacement as well as whatever you might have paid for the original screwup. Even though you send back the original, unless the invoice for the replacement is marked as a REPAIR, it will be proceessed as a new entry with duty owed. This happened to me last year and I fought to no avail. If you go by mail there's no guarantee you'll get it on time, but a better chance you won't pay duties.
    There are only two things that are certain in life----Taxes and death.

  6. #26
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    Similar problem on another thread, reponse from one of our professionals - the ever grumpy Wizard of BC.

  7. #27
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    Grant is right about moving the right buckles, and the part about the left strap sounds right ... but looking at the pleats, my advice would be to contact one of the kiltmakers here (Matt Newsome, Barb, Rocky, MacHummel) or a local kiltmaker (if you can find one), and see if the horizontal length can be shortened by modifying the deep pleat or adding a hidden pleat towards the underapron. They should also be able advise on possibly shortening the kilt slightly - maybe what's below the last yellow stripe in the overcheck.
    And to my eye, the width of the overapron looks like it could be left alone, or narrowed slightly. (Wouldn't it be nice if everything but the length could be fixed by narrowing the aprons?)

    But I'm just a talented amateur. Like Grant said, get in touch with one of our professionals.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wompet View Post
    Grant is right about moving the right buckles, and the part about the left strap sounds right ... but looking at the pleats, my advice would be to contact one of the kiltmakers here (Matt Newsome, Barb, Rocky, MacHummel) or a local kiltmaker (if you can find one), and see if the horizontal length can be shortened by modifying the deep pleat or adding a hidden pleat towards the underapron. They should also be able advise on possibly shortening the kilt slightly - maybe what's below the last yellow stripe in the overcheck.
    And to my eye, the width of the overapron looks like it could be left alone, or narrowed slightly. (Wouldn't it be nice if everything but the length could be fixed by narrowing the aprons?)

    But I'm just a talented amateur. Like Grant said, get in touch with one of our professionals.
    Thanks Wompet! Any of the kiltmakers here have any idea? I don't know of any kiltmakers in the Denver area, the closest one may be Kathy in Albuquerque!

  9. #29
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    Or just click on the link Grant provided, like I should have done before typing all that.

  10. #30
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    I have a PV kilt from kiltmart.com, which is very nice (I'm actually wearing it right now), but wanted the Bruce kilt espeecially for Thanksgiving - we are a genealogy loving clan, so it would be great to be able to wear the family tartan to dinner.

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