30th October 07, 03:20 AM
 Originally Posted by Wompet
As some of you know, my dog Mog was diagnosed with lymphoma back in July. We thought things were going well, but things took a turn for the worse last week. He suffered multiple seizures, stopped eating, and tried to stop sleeping as well. He was suffering and miserable, and I couldn't make him go through any more.
We laid him to rest early this afternoon.
I forget who's signature I'm paraphrasing, but: "Days spent in the woods or fields with a dog should not be counted against our time alloted on this earth."
It was a good eight years.
Sorry about your loss, but be assured, "He is waiting at the bridge along with my Nikita. It's my signature you are paraphrasing, and you are welcome to it.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
30th October 07, 03:29 AM
No words can express the feelings we hold for our dogs. Their loss can be hard. Know that you did the right thing to end his suffering.
30th October 07, 03:35 PM
30th October 07, 05:14 PM
My sympathy
Words are so inadequate, as I was readung your post I got a call from my mother, she had to send Bitty to wait with Mog at the bridge too. A hard time for all of us. Once the morning has passed we all can invite another dog to share our life, Anyone who says money can't buy love has never paid the adoption fee to an animal rescue group!
30th October 07, 06:38 PM
I know, Weasel Mender. Mog was one of a litter of eight that came in when I worked at the local humane society. His little brother, who I'm waiting to be retired, was a shelter dog. And their little sister is a rescued feral cat.
30th October 07, 09:33 PM
I, too, am sorry for your loss. I lost my cat to lymphoma last year and it is still a fresh wound.
I'm a vet. I should be used to it by now. I never will be. I am glad that we have the option of a gentle goodbye for our pets. Humans should be so lucky.
Mog was obviously well loved and will be greatly missed. Sympathies go your way.
Be well,
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