Good for you! I'm just wondering if your village is too far away from the city to go there on weekends. If not, you can do what lots of American college students do, and take your laundry home to be washed by your mother!
Good Lord! My son goes to University right here IN Chicago, not three miles away and we never see him for most of the term! Can't even get him to come home on weekends because there's too much studying and too many parties going on. Don't worry, you'll be plenty busy and socializing and it won't be bad at all.
I would have to say go home for a wee bit long weekend to a week maximum. Then go back to the city where your new school is and enjoy the city until enrollment in January, the time will fly by and it will just get faster once you are active in school. Good luck with it.
I started three different majors at three different schools and didn't finish one of them. I actually got within one semester of finishing two. I got bored.
My advice, skip a semester. Go back home and refresh. Some colleges do on-line classes. Does your school offer that? If so, by all means do it!