4th November 07, 05:14 PM
I need to confess to anyone.
OK, I did something last night that I'm not proud of. I let myself be caught up in the moment. If a man is enough of an individual to wear a kilt shouldn't he be able to show some self control; giving in to lust shouldn't be a problem, but I faltered.
I thought I was strong enough; I never considered that I could be swayed by looks, but I was. I didn't think I could be lured, but I was. Or was I? Maybe it's not fair to say I was lured, that's a cop out. It places my responsibility on someone else and right now I should be taking responsibility.
So now I'm ashamed and several hundred dollars poorer. I haven't told my wife; I can't tell my kids. I'm sure my wife will figure out something is wrong. I know I must look guilty I can barely look her in the eyes. It's only a matter of time before she starts asking questions; I can't avoid her until I forget.
Why did I do it? I don't know. Looks, lust..who knows. Maybe I was looking to be young again. To remember what it was like to be single and childless...when being a little selfish didn't really affect anyone. I just don't know. What do I do now, confess? hide it? what?
I realise looking at this that it is probably obvious, but in case you don't know what I'm talking about...I bought an iPhone...and now I have to live with it.
4th November 07, 05:30 PM
I am truly shocked and apalled!!! 
The seductive siren song of modern technology has corrupted your soul! O the humanity! Your wife! the poor dear children! What will become of them??. (They are always the ones to suffer in the end, you know). 
I am totally distraught, will have to have a few beers to calm my spirit. Maybe add a dram or two and sing a couple of songs to my dogs.
I know! Maybe I'll order another Kilt from Stillwater, that always cheers me up!
By the way, what the heck is an iphone?????
4th November 07, 05:31 PM
Ooooooh iPhone!! Enjoy it. I have the iPod Touch and love it. If you havent figured out, xmarks works great from the browser
4th November 07, 05:35 PM
If your wife finds out tell her you did it for health reasons. Remember and Apple [IPhone] a-day keeps the doctor away.
Last edited by cacunn; 5th November 07 at 07:03 AM.
4th November 07, 05:35 PM
I thought you were going to say that you bought a new kilt!
4th November 07, 05:42 PM
When one has a momentary lapse like this - the best thing to do is to get back on the straight an narrow immediately. Please PM me as soon as possible and I'll give you my shipping address. The sooner you get rid of this temptation the better.
4th November 07, 05:59 PM
From someone who has been there before you, we feel your pain. But it has happened to all of us who wear the kilt. We are the virile who have chosen to display that virility to the world.
They instantly recognize it and close in like sharks. Shapely and young they circle us. Enticing us with their sirensong. The shapes of them, the soft and smooth feel of them as you caress the their bodies. Of course they entice. That is what they were put on this world to do. They revel in showing off all the maker has given them.
Your wearing of the kilt not only attracts them, it show them that you have the wisdom to make up your own mind and will select only the one who will please you the most.
I too have been under that spell at times. However I prefer mine with some experience and wisdom of the ages. My forbidden Ravenfruit even with her age still has the power to block out the entire world whenever she calls me into that special place where only she and I exist.
Luckily in my case it was my wife who introduced me to my mistress and now has her own special friend. My wife and I are closer now than before we entered our menage.
I would suggest you bring your new mistress home. Has your wife ever said that you are not good at talking and communicating your true feelings with her? Does she not wish there was a way for you to communicate more deeply?
Calmly and honestly tell her that you have brought home the answer to her dreams.
If the young shapely thing you have chosen from the hordes of hungry sharks that gathered to your kilted display pleases you then I say revel in it. If you selected the one that appealed to you most, and are proud to show her off to the world then of course you should be proud. This is your reward. To have all the non-kilted envy you your conquest.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
4th November 07, 06:00 PM
 Originally Posted by pipesndrumsnun
I thought you were going to say that you bought a new kilt! 
As I was writing it, I realised that on this forum my confession would likely make members think of kilts. On the outside I'm not sure that would be the first thing to come to mind. 
 Originally Posted by pdcorlis
When one has a momentary lapse like this - the best thing to do is to get back on the straight an narrow immediately. Please PM me as soon as possible and I'll give you my shipping address. The sooner you get rid of this temptation the better. 
Thank you brother, but I must face this. Passing it off is the cowards way. As genuine as I know your intentions are I cannot allow you to let me off the hook so easily
4th November 07, 06:03 PM
Oh My Gawd!
You don't even WANT to think where I was going.
er....well....I gave up as an early adopter years ago.
Good Luck!
Ferret ad astra virtus
4th November 07, 06:03 PM
i thought this was going going toward something like, "i spent money on...(umm, how can put this)...adult entertainment". guess i was way wrong.
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
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