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  1. #11
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    I find it amazing that someone would address a 6'1" 210lb. fairly well built dude like me and say "Nice skirt!". It usually comes from a friend because a stranger wouldn't have the gonads to say it. I think it's best to ignore the comment when it comes from friends because, eventually, they'll realize that it's not a joke and that you're going to wear it despite their juvenile comments. For strangers it's always good to use the "It's actually called a kilt because that's what I did to the last guy who called it a skirt", and if you simply can't ignore your friend's comment, "No, it would be a skirt if I were wearing panty hose and high heels", followed by "moron!".
    Yeah. I have the same experience with strangers. I'm a 6ft, 290 pound hiker and martial artist My legs are huge. I have to get my flashes made with an extra inch of elastic because my calves support my weight in the mountains on a regular basis, and they support my weight in karate class 3 nights a week, and they support my weight the other nights when I take my mile to two mile walks. I actually have to get my SWK kilts altered at the hip buckle to keep it from pulling the pleats apart. The waist on a 50 is perfect, but the hips are too snug. I'm huge. my legs bulge. I don't get a lot of snide remarks from strangers. I had one guy at a restaraunt last night tell me that all I needed was a claymore to complete my look. I told him that I actually prefer broadswords and educated he and his girlfriend on the different types of swords, the use the ricasso, the fact that there is no such thing as a blood groove on a sword, and what a fuller actually is. It was really a very interesting conversation. Those are the kinds of things that usually happen with myself and strangers. I had one say to me "I thought I was going to say 'Nice skirt', but you're big and scary, so I'll just say- that looks really good on you!" That made me laugh. Of my friends, they're all very accepting. Most of them wondered why it took me so long. My friend Jaime calls it my man skirt, but she's so in love with the Scottish culture that it's obviously all in fun. The most interesting comments I get are from my female friends, actually. Amber whistles at my legs. Otherwise my friends all love the fact that I wear kilts, as does my wife.

    Sorry this ended up being so long. I hope it was at least entertaining!

  2. #12
    Well done cousin! Pity she didn't get the point with your reference to your wife, but at least the comment was positive.

    I generally reply to the "skirt" comments with "Thanks, it's a trendy little A-line in a bold but cheeky check. And we ladies have worn them to slaughter ignorant lowlanders for round the last 800 years". They usually get the point then. Of course, I'm 6'2" & extremely heavily tattooed!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    ...As we approached the counter the lady behind it lit up and proclaimed for the whole store to hear "You look just so Handsome!"

    One can hardly help breaking a smile at that. I said "Thank you so much! And doesn't my wife look beautiful too?"

    Obviously you are a wise man with a happy marriage.


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  4. #14
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    Great reaction!


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  5. #15
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    Once again, Turpin sweeps them off their feet...

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    My wife and I walked into a local flooring and design shop.
    As we approached the counter the lady behind it lit up and proclaimed for the whole store to hear "You look just so Handsome!"

    One can hardly help breaking a smile at that. I said "Thank you so much! And doesn't my wife look beautiful too?"
    She was a bit confuzzled for a moment, then recovered and said " Yes, she certainly is - But you look just so Handsome! And you're so Brave to be wearing that!"

    I've sort of gotten over feeling brave in my kilts (except when I walk through downtown Atlanta, maybe), but it sure appeared to make her day.
    Great exchange Turpin. Me too, I've been over being brave for quite some long time; but I haven't tried of being called 'handsome'. By the way, my wife is the most gorgeous/beautiful gray-haired woman I know.
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
    Well done cousin! Pity she didn't get the point with your reference to your wife, but at least the comment was positive.

    I generally reply to the "skirt" comments with "Thanks, it's a trendy little A-line in a bold but cheeky check. And we ladies have worn them to slaughter ignorant lowlanders for round the last 800 years". They usually get the point then. Of course, I'm 6'2" & extremely heavily tattooed!
    I like that! I have no tats or piercings... but being the size I am and looking a bit like Imish from Braveheart, I can still be a bit on the menacing size. I usually mention things about being a member of the Scottish Teabag Society and offer to initiate the moron in question. That sometimes shuts them up.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rollerboy_1979 View Post
    I think it's best to ignore the comment when it comes from friends because, eventually, they'll realize that it's not a joke and that you're going to wear it despite their juvenile comments.
    That pretty much sums it up. The friends that tease me are way less comfortable with me wearing it than I am with it on, and the rest are all for it, but not sure they want one themselves...yet!
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  9. #19
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    Well played, sir! (polite golf clap)
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  10. #20
    CactusJack is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Well Done...

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