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  1. #61
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1 View Post
    And that real reason you've mentioned would, of course, include the gutted deer display on the lawn?

    Only if my wife would allow it...... But I am so whipped....

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by McFarkus View Post
    Sounds like he's already caught the addiction. How young are you starting him?
    He's 7.
    Yesterday, the wife and I were discussing kilt purchases. My wife only refers to a kilt as a skirt to try and get a rise out of me. It's been a bit confusing to my son who wasn't too receptive of getting a kilt. In the middle of our conversation, right after my wife said skirt, my son butts in and says, "Dad, I want a kilt". It was the first time I've heard him refer to a kilt as a kilt and not a skirt.
    It's a bit hard to explain, but it was music to my ears. It's not the fact that he wanted a kilt. I knew once he seen me wearing them, he'd want one sooner or later. It was more the fact that he is standing up to Mom's terminology.

  3. #63
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    Looks like the Sgt. Major married the general.

    I don't have mine up yet, but I put another one up this AM at the office, delivered another to my step-daughter, and got ours out of the truck. Bought 'em all in North Carolina from the grower (best trees on earth), ate a belated Thanksgiving dinner with 14family members (yesterday), and and went with daughter-in-law to have the baby's picture made with Santa.

    But I do wish I was up with Mac on the home front.
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Rant starting - -
    Sure, and it's a hard world we live in. I'm not sure I go along with coddling the little ones. Having been raised on a farm and ranch, I always knew where dinner sometimes came from, and it is healthy, I think. I routinely eat Bamby, Thumper, Elsie, Cleghorn, Rocky and Bulwinkle

    I am also not a fan of the "Political Correct" movement for this same reason. Changing the name of the garbage collector to Sanitation Engineer doesn't make his job of collecting other people's garbage any easier!

    Just because it would be difficult on the parent to tell the fact to a little one, doesn’t mean that the parent should shirk his or her duties. Does belief in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny really make a child’s life easier?

    Shouldn’t we remember the real reason for Easter and Christmas?
    - - -Current rant ending.
    I liked your post somewhere else where you said you weren't opinionated....

    I thought it was funny enough to email to hunters at work.

    I think it's twisted enough that it would spoil Christmas for little ones.

    The role of a warrior is to protect children not hunters, easy call, don't do it.

    Besides, on Christmas Eve, at midnight, when the animals get to talk, I'd like them to think happier thoughts about me.

    And, yes, we all know where hamburgers come from.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    And, yes, we all know where hamburgers come from.
    The local soy field?

  6. #66
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    Oh deer! Getting back on track...

    A couple of years ago I got an email with this video. It just blew my mindm, there are now many different vids with the same concept and music, but for me this is it. Feel sorry for the neighbours though.

    The music is Wizards In Winter by The Trans-siberian Orchestra. I'd recommend their cd's for a change from the normal Christmas fare.

    Speakers up please...

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish View Post
    JI finally got her present on Thanksgiving day. (Kitchenaide Stand Mixer)
    My rule is to never buy my wife anything with an electric cord attached or any object used in the kitchen. (Unless she has a special request of course.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cawdorian View Post
    My rule is to never buy my wife anything with an electric cord attached or any object used in the kitchen. (Unless she has a special request of course.
    Her request actually. We're both big fans of Good Eats with Alton Brown, and one of the things holding us back from some real cooking is a lack of decent hardware. We are slowly rectifying that but at the moment we don't have a mixer of any sort.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish View Post
    Her request actually. We're both big fans of Good Eats with Alton Brown, and one of the things holding us back from some real cooking is a lack of decent hardware. We are slowly rectifying that but at the moment we don't have a mixer of any sort.
    A Kitchen Aid mixer is a great culinary investment! There are a myriad of attachments available; meat grinders, pasta makers, seeders, etc.

    I have a chrome stand mixer from Hamilton Beach that was my great grandmother's from the late forties or early fifties. My beloved F-H.C.A.G has promised me when it dies I can get a Kitchen Aid mixer.

    Sadly they built things to last back in the day...


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  10. #70
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    Yeah, we have both wanted a stand mixer for years actually. I got a good deal on a new in box one from Ebay, $240.00 for the Artisan model with shipping.
    Attachments will make for great birthday and other holiday gifts!

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