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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltman View Post
    Thanks for the pictures. Was the traditional habit comfortable? Or, rather, why the change? Comfort, blending in, etc?
    Interesting question! The habit was NOT comfortable (but this was not our reason for changing)...it was VERY HOT in the summer (I wore it the first weekend in August...even my eye brows were sweating!). The older Sisters also say that it was very cold in the winter (they did not wear coats, but, rather, a light weight black cape). Many Sisters suffered permanent damage to a nerve in the head/facial area due to the tightness of the band (white strip around the head) and still have headaches to this very day!

    Now, the reason for the change: in the early 1960s ('62 to '65, I believe) there was a series of meetings of all of the bishops of the Catholic Church from around the world (these meetings are known as the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, or, commonly referred to as Vatican II). One of many of the issues that they took up was the renewal of Religious Life (nuns, brothers and religious priests). One of their directives was for all religious congregations to "go back to their roots".
    Well, our roots as Sisters of St. Joseph go back to the year 1650 in LePuy, France. When we read our original documents from our original foundation, it proclaimed that the Sister of St. Joseph was "to be dressed as the people dressed", to be dressed like "the common people". We were to do "all works of which woman is capable" (i.e., all works!) among the people. We were not to have enclosure (i.e., never leaving the convent or monastery) and we were not be distinguishable from any other person by our dress. The dress of the day for our original Sisters was the dress of the common/poor French widow...this is what came to be known as our habit!
    We had never realized how our roots/origins called us to something particular like "dress as the people dress" and how our life had become somewhat distorted over time in that regard...the "habit" was the dress of the day for women in 1650 France, but certainly not in 1965 U.S.A.! SO, we did some experimenting and adapting to the directives of the Second Vatican Council, and this is why we wear "street clothes" today. We are supposed to be dressed "simply" (nothing expensive like diamonds, jewels, or other things that would be unbecoming our vows or life) and "tastefully" (no mini-skirts or revealing or provocative type clothing)and like the people.
    There you have it - the dress of the Sister of St. Joseph in a nutshell!

  2. #62
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    This is a fascinating thread. You are very knowledgeable about the history of your order.

  3. #63
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    Thank you so much, sister, for this thread. It is not only informational, it's also a bit heart-warming.

    I don't have any first-hand experience with Sisters of St. Joseph that I know of, but the Sisters of Mercy at St. Jospeh Hospital in Atlanta, where I got my transplanted heart, were the most blessed women I've ever known.

    Like Alan H., I am glad to see a young woman enter the religious life. The Monastery of The Holy Spirit here in Conyers, GA, is a favorite place for me, and I'm not even Roman Catholic. I'm an ordained Methodist!

    Please keep those cards and letters coming.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  4. #64
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    Thanks for the explanation of the evolution of your habit...it's funny how we can fall into "habits," and what we discover when we examine them.


  5. #65
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    If I'm allowed to make one slight correction to your dates, Reverend Sister. Vatican II lasted 1962-66. I know, because I entered community during that period!! I still remember having Benediction for the success of the Council. How long ago and far away that seems today.

    I'd also point out that trying not to distinguish oneself by women living an evangelical life goes back, at least, to St. Angela Merici (1476-1540). Here's how the secular order started by her describes it:

    "St. Angela Merici founded the Company of St. Ursula on November 25, 1535, aware that she was following God’s design. She was putting forward a new kind of consecrated life. With the conviction of the saints, she considered it a 'special gift' granted by God’s 'divine Majesty' to those who were 'chosen to be true and virginal spouses of the Son of God.' In creating a Company of consecrated virgins, living in the world without barriers or external signs to defend or differentiate them, St. Angela was far ahead of her times."

    I hope that this post doesn't violate the spirit of this thread.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    If I'm allowed to make one slight correction to your dates, Reverend Sister. Vatican II lasted 1962-66. I know, because I entered community during that period!!
    You are VERY close, Galician, but, the council opened on October 11, 1962 and closed on December 8, 1965. I was not yet born, but I LOVE history!

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipesndrumsnun View Post
    You are VERY close, Galician, but, the council opened on October 11, 1962 and closed on December 8, 1965. I was not yet born, but I LOVE history!
    Ah, the wonders of records over memory

    I was also reminded of one other fact, more pertinent to this thread. My original habit was made from material donated by Sisters of St. Joseph. It had been their summer habit material and was no longer of any use to them, as they had switched to a modified habit or secular dress.

    So I guess that we have worn the same habit, even if tailored differently!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    Ah, the wonders of records over memory

    I was also reminded of one other fact, more pertinent to this thread. My original habit was made from material donated by Sisters of St. Joseph. It had been their summer habit material and was no longer of any use to them, as they had switched to a modified habit or secular dress.

    So I guess that we have worn the same habit, even if tailored differently!
    Very COOL!!

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by string View Post
    This is a fascinating thread. You are very knowledgeable about the history of your order.
    Thanks, String!

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by thescot View Post
    Thank you so much, sister, for this thread. It is not only informational, it's also a bit heart-warming.
    I don't have any first-hand experience with Sisters of St. Joseph that I know of, but the Sisters of Mercy at St. Jospeh Hospital in Atlanta, where I got my transplanted heart, were the most blessed women I've ever known.
    Like Alan H., I am glad to see a young woman enter the religious life. The Monastery of The Holy Spirit here in Conyers, GA, is a favorite place for me, and I'm not even Roman Catholic. I'm an ordained Methodist!
    Thanks for a great story, thescot! I'm so happy to hear that the good Sisters took good care of you! Many blessings to you!

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