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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncof300d View Post

    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?
    About 34F/1C. I was a little bit cold but not about my legs, just my fingers.

    In pants I had not been warmer, rather on the contrary.
    My theory is that it is very much a question of balancing out things. The more you wear below the belt the more you have to wear above it to feel confortable.

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp?
    Slightly windy, misty, going to be sunny (early morning).

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed?
    Turtleneck sweater, kilt, kilt hose, heavy shoes, belt & buckle, day sporran, wind breaker – nothing else.

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.)
    5 yard PV

    5. What were you doing?


  2. #22
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    When I hiked the Grand Canyon it was 18F at the top, somewhat warmer further down. I wore a Stillwater Standard kilt, with two pairs of hose (cold weather socks under acrylic/wool blend kilt hose). I had four or five layers of light jackets, thinsulate gloves, and a wool cap. I was perfectly comfortable.

  3. #23
    Alaskan Kilted Guy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt? See above....

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp? Calm, very dry...

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed? Hoodie with a tshirt under, military issue "mountain boots"

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.) Tan Amerikilt

    5. What were you doing? (were you working hard, walking, etc.) Out running errands

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