20th December 07, 10:10 AM
Sounds like an outstanding experience. I think grumpy is the only attitude that DMV workers have.
Animo non astutia
20th December 07, 01:46 PM
Great story! DMV stands for Dour, Melancholy, and Volatile!
20th December 07, 02:48 PM
Wow that's kinda funny, I was at the DMV yesterday also, getting a tag.....
Unfortunately I didn't wear my kilt.
20th December 07, 04:25 PM
 Originally Posted by rollerboy_1979
I had other smiles and nods of approval, except from the DMV clerk, who was in a foul humor.
So what else is new?
20th December 07, 05:46 PM
I thought that was simply the nature of all the people who work at the DMV. Or do they acquire it (the bad attitude) from dealing with the public all the time ? Either way it seems to be nearly a given.
I am glad the rest of the experience was good though !
20th December 07, 06:52 PM
 Originally Posted by rollerboy_1979
If your buddy Jim is tuned into the kilt scene here in Palm Springs, I'm sure he's a member of the Scottish Society of the Desert. If so, I'm hoping he's planning to attend the Burns Supper on 1/26 at Indian Wells CC. If he's unaware but interested, send me a private email and I'll provide the info. I'd like to meet him.......it would be nice to know a kindred spirit here in PSP. You should be here now.................you Brits are getting everything for 1/2 price!!! I'm going to pay dearly when I do my QE2 crossing and 5 nights in London next October!!!!
No, RB, he will not be a member of the Scottish Society of the Desert - at least not yet. He has been over in PS only about a month and has been busy furnishing his holiday home. Jim actually lives over here in the United Kingdom, but plans to be in PS every year from November to about end of March. He has a number of non-kilting friends in PS and spends virtually all of his time with them as far as I know. He also relies on them for transport away from PS itself. In town he walks or cycles!
We both have a toll-free video/phone link-up once a week (via a combination of Skype and JaJah!) so I will mention your kind offer to him. If he shows any interest, I will certainly PM you. Many thanks for your interest.
Take care,
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
20th December 07, 07:04 PM
All in all, a great day!
21st December 07, 06:19 AM
 Originally Posted by McFarkus
I think grumpy is the only attitude that DMV workers have.
The state of Washington has outsourced part of the DMV, you can do all the title & licensce plate transactions at private contractors. You pay them a small fee over and above the state fees (3 dollars for licensce tabs) which is well worth it. My expereinces have been efficient and pleasant not like the DMV offices. So it isn't the task that makes them unpleasant people it is the people they hire at the DMV
Also you can renew your drivers license online. Kudos to the state of Washington for coming up with that idea.
22nd December 07, 11:57 AM
 Originally Posted by Oldhiker
So it isn't the task that makes them unpleasant people it is the people they hire at the DMV
Also you can renew your drivers license online. Kudos to the state of Washington for coming up with that idea. 
I don't think the people start out nasty, I think it's a combination of things. First of all, it's boring and repetative work, and quite frankly, the general public can be insufferable at times. Also, it's typical of jobs that are not in the private sector. DMV positions are patronage jobs that are hard to get and nearly impossible to lose. I think it's a lot about who you know, not what you know........so they don't necessarily hire the most qualified people. I think if more of us wear our kilts to the DMV, we'll sweeten them up a little. I was having a great kilted day so I wasn't going to let some grumpy woman ruin it. I may be crazy, but I did detect the beginnings of a smile when I came to the window. When she realized she was about to blow her image, she soured right up. Ah.......the power of the kilt! BTW, we can renew online in CA too, however, I had an issue with another vehicle that needed to be handled in person. But hey, if I renewed online, I wouldn't have been whistled at in the parking lot! 
22nd December 07, 02:43 PM
Sounds like a good day to me! BTW, I like Palm Springs. We gt down there every couple of years, usually in February, and then drive down to Anza Borrego..
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