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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I would not consider purchasing a kilt without a personal fitting and certainly wouldn't spend over £400 without a strong recommendation or two.
    Once again, I'd like to suggest that for a first-time kilt buyer who does not happen to live in the midst of a surfeit of kiltmakers whose reputations go without saying, a recommendation alone may not be enough, and shopping around with personal visits may not be feasible. It is a kilt, after all, and not an adoption.

    As the originator of this thread, I'm asking how do you move beyond blind faith when touching the product is not an option. There have been a few good posts on that matter already. Recommendations abound elsewhere, and if all that remains is admonishments to never buy a kilt in the dark, then it might be time to close the thread.

    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  2. #42
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Rex Tremendae? It never fails to mystify me why such a seemingly anodyne subject can arouse such passion. You are perfectly correct, of course, and why should anyone seek to source something as personal as a kilt from many thousands of miles away when there are so many reputable and, I am sure, highly competent makers who contribute to this forum? Time to close as you say.

  3. #43
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    Rex, you are asking a question that has been asked ever since there has been commerce. And will never be answered perfectly.

    If I turn the question around and ask "How can a manufacturer insure that a potential customer gets the information that best represents his product?"

    The truth of this answer is a grim outlook. We find that the vast majority of first time kilt purchasers have done a google search on the word "Kilt" and chose the first person on the search results. When actually being first usually means you spent more money on website optimization than anyone else. It says very little about your actual product.

    And the other problem is that if you are reading this thread you are already far more informed than the average person.

    I'm sorry I can't help any further. I have thought about this quite a lot and just don't seem to be able to offer any better answers for you.
    Steve Ashton
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  4. #44
    Panache's Avatar
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    When I went to have my first custom kilt made I found that the best way to decide was to use this forum. I read other members reviews, I looked at the pictures they posted, and then took this information and compared it to what the kiltmaker said and pictured about their own work. I sent a few PM's and used my best judgement based on that information.

    I choose Matt Newsome because

    (1) He had uniformly positive reviews from a wide range of the membership from those that had but one kilt (his) to members who owned many.

    (2) His kilts looked well made from all the pictures

    (3) I respected and enjoyed his posts here and at his blog which showed someone who was not only extremely knowledgble but also took great joy in what he did.

    I see X Marks the Scot as a tremendous resource for the kilt buyer as our membership offers a wide range of perspectives on a particular product or craftsman.

    When you can't see or touch the actual product you are going to have to go with what the individual says about their work and how that relates to the opinions of others. To me the key is not just looking at one review but many, and having a "feel" for the reviewer.


    Last edited by Panache; 22nd December 07 at 10:59 AM. Reason: Expanded a bit
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    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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