Zane Grey's Theorem of Numbers Never insult seven men when all you have is a six gun.
Gentleman of Substance
Rules of Engagement: Rule number 1: WIN. Rule number 2: CHEAT. Do not invade Russia in the winter. Or the spring. Or the autumn. You know what, just never invade Russia. Never get involved in a land war in Asia. Always aim for the hopeful young boy, never his world-weary superior. Try not to look important; the enemy may be low on ammo. You don't win by dying for your country; you win by letting the enemy die for their country. If at first you don't succeed, call in an air strike. Use teamwork; it gives the enemy more targets. Drop the pin, throw the grenade. The Rules of the Philosophy Department of the University of Walamaloo 1: No pooftahs. 2: No member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abbos in any way whatsoever if there's anybody watching. 3: No pooftahs. 4: I don't want to catch anyone not drinking in their room after lights out. 5: No pooftahs. 6: There is no rule six. 7: No pooftahs.
Cheop's Law: Nothing ever gets finished on schedule, or within budget
All skill and effort is to no avail when an angel pees down your drones.
Originally Posted by Chrissss One of my favorites, taught to me by my father: "There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over..." Chris... Sad but true. I see this so often in business. It generates much waste.
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