27th December 07, 06:30 AM
Dad sent me a rainbow trout mount, in the colors of the Kulik River Alaska trout we fly-fished together several years ago; amazingly realistic and very, very cool. Wife gave me a bottle of Lagavulin (best Scotch on the planet, quite possibly the universe), and I bought us a new roof; they put it on yesterday.

Christmas Day 2007
Great thing about being a piper's wife; your husband can express his undying love and affection for a sixteen-year-old and you're not unduly alarmed, and when he talks of the old bag, you know he's not referring to you.
27th December 07, 01:24 PM
27th December 07, 01:34 PM
I got new Doc Martens, several sweaters I can wear with my kilts, a practice chanter, a bottle of Chivas Regal, and pair of tickets to see the Irish Rovers for me and the wife.
I got a bunch of other stuff too, but this is all that's even remotely kilt related, so I won't bore you with the rest.
27th December 07, 01:36 PM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
I received this book

And a ticket to a Burns Supper, also a gift certificate to the local tartan shop where I went to have my Isle of Skye sewn up, along with a few other things.
My sister gave me the same book, along with some photo books of Ireland. Can't wait to read them!
27th December 07, 01:56 PM
i got sporran hangers and hose for kilt accessories then i also got cash and stuff.
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
27th December 07, 02:01 PM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
I received this book

And a ticket to a Burns Supper, also a gift certificate to the local tartan shop where I went to have my Isle of Skye sewn up, along with a few other things.
I got that, too, along with The Calamatous 14th Century, Rosslyn and The Grail, and Count Vlad- Man of Many Faces. I have about enough reading material along with my Time Life Seafarers books, to keep me busy for most of January.
27th December 07, 02:49 PM
I got some things that might have potential kilt-relatedness, a sewing machine, and a jacob wool fleece. they might just be things I am bragging on though. I also inherited a beautiful straw stetson... from my nephew who grew out of it. He's 5, and has a bigger hat size than I do, tis very sad and a sign of a teeny brain some say.
27th December 07, 02:54 PM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
I received this book

And a ticket to a Burns Supper, also a gift certificate to the local tartan shop where I went to have my Isle of Skye sewn up, along with a few other things.
It's a pretty good book Glen, but I would suggest GREAT SCOTS! by Matthew Shaw or even HOW THE SCOTS CREATED CANADA by Paul Cowan
Both can be found here : http://store.meluki.ca/canada.html
I met Matthew Shaw a few years ago at the local Highland Games and got to speak to him about his book (I was 3 chapters in at the time). He told me he had written the book as a kind of companion to How the Scots invented the modern world, as it missed a lot of the Canadian content and achievements. Great Scots explores how the Scots influenced the government, banking, commerce, education, and even military formations in Canada as a young nation. I found it to be more of an interesting read than How the Scots created the modern world.
27th December 07, 03:59 PM
Not really kilt related, but my wife and i got ourselves a pinball machine for christmas. Havent yet played it whilst wearing a kilt, but pictures will come if that happens.
Here's a picture of the pinball in question:
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
Aldous Huxley
27th December 07, 04:25 PM
Humm, my family is getting a hang of this Christmas thing. Two months ago my older sister offered to buy my tartan for my Macarthur tank as a Christmas gift. She gave me the choice of the tartan or a new Celtic jersey. I went with the tartan as every good X-Marks member would.
Well the last gift I opened at home was this:

She said it was like watching "Sophie's Choice" watching me pick which one I wanted. Jeter the wonder dog got me the TFC Scarf!
I got a new digital camera from my mum so I can post pic of what I make now. I also recived a beautiful porcilne Quaich from her as well.
Not to be out done my younger sister and her family found an antique MacArthur pin for me too.

It was a great Christmas. I received great gifts but all the gifts I gave were well appreciated and fun to give!
P.S. If you like Herman's book you'll really like Jenni Calder's "Scots in Canada" from Luath Press www.luath.co.uk and any book by David R.Ross is great. I am half finished his Desire Lines..great book.
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley
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