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  1. #21
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by cacunn View Post
    Dictionary.Com defines purse as:
    1. a woman's handbag or pocketbook.
    2. a small bag, pouch, or case for carrying money.

    Using these definitions most sporrans worn by men are not purses. Based on the the first definition a mans handbag or pocketbook can not be a purse. Looking at the second definition, at least for married men, our wifes never allow us to have any money to carry in a small bag, pouch or a case for carrying money. Therefore a sporrans can not be a purse.
    Actually I do have a purse for my kilt...based on the second definition. I think the second definition refers to a change purse, which I always use with a sporran since I can't stand digging for change in the bottom.

    So no on sporran's being a purse, yes on using a purse in your sporran. If your wife gives you money to put in it.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTrain View Post
    Now that would be cool. I have seen silver chains at the fabric store and at the hobby store (for jewelry--necklaces and the like). How would you go about making a fur tassel? A cylinder of fur would look ok but need a metal base for it--preferably to match the chain.

    As far as sporran making goes, I would love to try my hand at a fur evening sporran but cannot find a nice cantle to go on it. The closest thing I have seen is a metal top designed for a ladies purse and this doesn't look quite the same (a bit too "girly"). I even did a google search but came up empty. Anybody have any suggestions?
    I've looked around for a nice cantle too, but can't find one. Anyone know where we can get one?

  3. #23
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    I'm going out on a corny limb here, but what if you used matching rabbits feet? Would that be too much or silly?

  4. #24
    puffer is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I have used the shinny metal cake decorating tips from craft stores (big ones) for the metal bases. As to tails,ermine work the best for me. Rabbit also works but sheds.

    as to a source, contact me. In the muzzle loading community, we have ready access to furs (rendezvous, trade shows etc. Tails are fairly cheap @ times)

    Last edited by puffer; 31st December 07 at 04:00 PM. Reason: typos as normal

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmmcscott View Post
    I've looked around for a nice cantle too, but can't find one. Anyone know where we can get one?
    Try here some of the nicest cantles I've ever seen out there.

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