Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator or as "we in sewage" call it Turd Herder....
My mother was a Class 1 water and wastewater operator for about 20 years. She was the first female plant operator in our county WSA history. Very noble career indeed. I worked as a 'honey-dipper' myself for a while in the 80s.
Guess that is what a Liberal Arts Degree will get you.
A liberal arts education got me this job supervising a bunch of Engineers, some with Master's degrees, one of my jobs is to translate "Engineero Speak" into plain english so the masses can understand their reports. I also spend a good bit of time finding and correcting the errors in their daily test reports.
Professional geek...some server, some desktop; Windows Mac Linux for the Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine at Stanford Univ. Med. Center. I spent a lot of years teaching Biology at local community colleges, was education director for the Marine Science Institute for two years (http://www.sfbaymsi.org) then did a couple of years in biotech at the lab bench, then moved into University computing.
Those who are replying to this thread saying they are or should be looking for a job, how about you tell us where you live and what type of job you are looking for?
I'd rather hire a kilt-person than a boring person and I would bet many if not all the other members here feel the same.
As for what I do? I'm an accountant. Yeah, boring. That's why I go Scottish on weekends!
Those who are replying to this thread saying they are or should be looking for a job, how about you tell us where you live and what type of job you are looking for?
I'd rather hire a kilt-person than a boring person and I would bet many if not all the other members here feel the same.
As for what I do? I'm an accountant. Yeah, boring. That's why I go Scottish on weekends!