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View Poll Results: Does a Kilt lifter seriously offend you?

117. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    47 40.17%
  • Sometimes

    48 41.03%
  • No

    22 18.80%
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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I ticked Sometimes. I am not offended but more irritated because I was not asked.
    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  2. #12
    Join Date
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    There are occasions when it can be fun & flirty. I was once at an SCA event with a kilt check game.
    Like sexual harassment (which this borders CLOSELY), it is a matter of whether it is considered unwelcome by the kilt-wearer.
    Sometimes, one gets the idiot (male or female, drunk or sober) who is egregiously irritating.
    It all depends on the attitudes of the kiltie.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    I also voted "sometimes". I wear my kilts full time. Have for over six years. I have been kilt checked dozens of times. If it's a buddy messing with me, OK, no big deal, I'll get him back.
    A stranger? That bothers me. Female, male, doesn't matter, if I did not indicate my willingness to play along, you have NO business reaching under my kilt, and I reserve the right to react as I deem appropriate.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    thanks guys this is really helpful!
    [SIZE="1"]"It's the job thats never started that takes the longest to finish. Thats what my old Gaffer used to say." - Samwise Gamgie, J.R.R. Tolkein[/SIZE]

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I voted sometimes. Like Rocky says, it depends on what's actually happening. But the few times its happened to me I don't recall getting angry - even the drunk gay guy at the Pride Festival...I just spun away and silently scolded him by shaking my finger at him...it was the fun spirit of the place that probably encouraged him and held back my anger.

    What angers me more than anything is that at least four times I've been accused of "flashing" while seated kilted. Now I know from where various parts of my body fall that my chubby thighs are preventing and view of the bits - particularly from someone looking my way with their eyes high above my knees. But the person will act as if they've been flashed when nothing happened. For some reason these folks seem dramatic. I've even been accused of flashing when wearing underwear.

    For me, this is a more difficult situation to deal with since its only someone's word and its hardly the place to explain geometry - there's no way. Kind of like trying to prove you're not a Communist. And the accusation comes at me...accusing me of being some sort of flasher. A much different deal than when someone puts hands on to lift my kilt and its them that is the offender.

    Maybe folks see too many of the upkilt shots (all taken from low levels). Maybe folks just like to tease. Maybe they're sadistic knowing there's little defense against the accusation. And they seem to live on as myth and gossip. "I heard you flashed so and so."

    Don't know that we've ever talked about these false flashing accusations. But they are what greatly anger me.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I'm not easily offended, a kilt lift may be unwarranted, unwelcome and inappropriate but being offended by it would not be the correct term.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    OK Guilty.I'm one of the ones that voted No but didnt respond.

    Perhaps i should have voted Sometimes,because it really depends on where an when,and if i know the person or not,and it offends any bystanders looking on.

    Not to long ago,someone posted something about a girl and her boyfriend coming up behind him out in public,and lifting his kilt than saying Woohoo or something like that.
    Now that would Pi## me off and i would have chewed her ears.
    Thats what i mean by sometimes.

    Other times,if its only in fun,dose not embarrass me or anyone around,than i don't thing it would bother me all that much.

    But when it comes right down to it,i would rather no one ever tried.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    It offends me if it's a total stranger. (I don't know you-get your grubby paws offa me!)

    Friends usually kid around and then it doesn't bother me at all.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Casey, I said "sometimes" only because a real jerk can make me a little PO'ed. For the most part I'm really not offended at all because it's usually in good fun. Rarely is my kilt lifted all the way up to the point where anything is revealed.

    If it's some idiot trying to show off, then I get all excited and start with the snappy comebacks.

    And the ladies are almost always welcome . . .unless my wife is there.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Here's the only time my kilt has been lifted- There is this guy that I work who is convinced that I'm a cross dresser. He decided that he should put his hand up my kilt. THAT guy offends my because he's an a*****e and goes out of his way to belittle people. If it's all in good fun- as with my two or three friends- then it doesn't bother me. If it were a complete stranger, that would be upsetting. I've never had that happen, though.
    "Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.

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