6th March 08, 06:25 PM
To Mr Dove
Once again it was my honour to appear in one of the Xmarks tales! I remain at your service if I can aid your team again in any way
Ens Mender
6th March 08, 10:00 PM
Another good story, Dave.
And I'm always happy to provide some comic relief.
 Originally Posted by ccga3359
Where is my kilt check? I was promised a kilt check. Big Mikey get my agent on the phone...
I'm glad he isn't counting the sporran incident ... speaking of promises, wasn't I supposed to get my ears rubbed by Ms. Hawk?
6th March 08, 10:03 PM
Glad to be of assistance Mr. Dove. Any time you might need more, just let me know. And I promise to duck faster next time.
6th March 08, 10:51 PM
 Originally Posted by Wompet
I'm glad he isn't counting the sporran incident  ...
Like we're ever let you forget that at SOKS events.
7th March 08, 07:44 AM
These are good, I like them!!
7th March 08, 01:18 PM
 Originally Posted by Wompet
... speaking of promises, wasn't I supposed to get my ears rubbed by Ms. Hawk?
Rest assured, all eight ladies of my team probably gave you plenty of that.
 Originally Posted by Panache
Next time your group should go across the pond and work with the MHICE!
It won't be the next story, as I already have the basic plotline for that one. I will have to see what I can come up with though.
 Originally Posted by Panache
Tsk, Tsk it appears Grant has a new blimp.
Yeah, it was just too good a device to leave it destroyed. Besides, what other vehicle could float up on the heroes silently.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
7th March 08, 10:14 PM
With time travel, parallel universes, the availability of pelts from a surviving population of Glaucomys arctos gigantecus, rabbits with glittery white fur and a collection of very special herbs and spices - plus recipes for all occasions, just about anything can happen at the MHICE. Do drop in if you happen to be in the neighbourhood.
There is even a restaurant run by the mind altered Ivana Rulitall and Evan Moore-Naste, though she has changed her name to Rainbow Golden Stardust and he is now called Stephan Just Stephan.
Though it isn't if you leave the grounds through the back gate, because then it is a fairly decent pub, but if you go around by the road it is a restaurant with vegetarian and vegan dishes forming a large section of the menu.
From what I recall of Mister Brown's explanations something must have caused a discontinuity, but he hasn't been around for some time. I hope nothing has happened to him, at least, nothing permanent.
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.
16th March 08, 05:50 PM
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