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  1. #1
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    Tasmanian Devil Sporran review RKilts

    Pictures of me out on a couple of kilt nights debuting my two new kilts (Newsome & Rkilt) have been posted but I received one pm requesting a review of my new Tasmanian Devil sporran from RKilts. I was surprised that being that these sporrans have been available for a couple of years no one has done a write up about it. So here I am to correct that oversight. I picked this up last Wednesday from Robert when we were collaborating over my new kilt. I was in need for a roomy day sporran to compliment my formal beaver sporran and had decided long ago to replace my cardboard ebay special that I'd used for so long.

    First the specifics it is a Rob Roy inspired sporran and is listed at $160. I ordered all black but since Robert custom makes his sporrans other colours are available with the option of two tone.
    8" wide by 7½" tall with a 2½" wide gusset. Depth measures in at 6" but with two 3½ box pleats on the front and such pliable leather you can cram a fair amount of stuff in there. It's certainly is not as big as a Freelander or Thorfinn but one of the reasons I bought this was it's smaller size. that being said I can still comfortably carry my wallet, camera, keys, cigarettes, light, a flask and still have plenty of room for all those phone numbers hastily written on napkins.

    The true benefits is what's hidden inside. It has two compartments, a thiner (full depth, full width) at the back. The front compartment receives full benefit of the 2½" gusset and include a metal 'D' ring and metal key clip.

    Also inside is a money clip (yes we Canadians have hockey pictured on our money) and an ingenius credit card holder put your bank & credit cards, drivers license or such in the pocket and when you need to retrieve it just pull the tab. robert also carries a swiss army like tool that easily fits into the pocket.

    On the back you'll find two metal 'D' rings for strap clips or use the pocket for a sporran belt. Shown is Rkilts braided leather sporran strap for about $35.00 a nice alternative to sporran chains and I highly recommend as an upgrade to any sporran.

    The front uses a beefy snap to keep closed. With an additional option of looping the leather thong over the snap and cinching it down for added security (please see first picture).

    As mentioned earlier I've been admiring these for a long time and have yet to find fault with them. Then there's the legendary RKilts leather work and feel.

  2. #2
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    Nice, I like it !

    I think I will order a hemp kilt first tho.

  3. #3
    Panache's Avatar
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    Good review Grant.

    It is a handsome yet very simple looking sporran that would go with a lot of different outfits. I have heard nothing but good things about Robert and his work (save that he occassionally hangs out with disreputable Englishmen )


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  4. #4
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    Excellent review. I like it.
    Robert Amyot-MacKinnon

  5. #5
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    That is a great review of a very nice looking sporran, I'm glad you like it. The amount of thought that went into the design is clear, that is a fine sporran you have there glad you decided to replace the ebay buy with a quality piece.

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the review. Very thorough.
    Andy in Ithaca, NY
    Exile from Northumberland

  7. #7
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    Tasmanian Devil Sporran

    I have this sporran, and I love it. It has all of the little details which make it so practical. And the quality of the leather and workmanship is first class. Mine is in a different colour (!!) so I dont use it that often.

  8. #8
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    When I saw Tasmanian Devil, I was thinking Taz from Looney Tunes...

  9. #9
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    That's a great review, and it looks like a great sporran.

    But I was a bit disappointed to learn that it was not a full-face tasmanian devel sporran. I thought your avatar was a picture of it.
    Jim Killman
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  10. #10
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    Excellent Review, Grant!

    I appreciate you humoring my request. I asked for two reasons: 1. you've already addressed (there are no other reviews of it) 2. I WANT one, and wanted to see what the new model looked like. I got to see one of the original ones (Kid Cossack has one) and it was awesome enough to have me drooling. I just had to see what was "updated."

    Thanks again! I'm gonna have to figure out a way to have one of thes and SOON.

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