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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    There is no doubt that he could write. However, he was also a pederast and chose to live in Sri Lanka where his proclivities were less apt to result in prosecution than if he had remained in North America or Europe.
    Just curious, where did you get that information?

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by emolas View Post
    First Heinlein and now Clarke, quite the bad year for SF fans. One of the very first SF books I read was Rendezvous with Rama and it remains one of my favorites. I hear they will be making a movie of it next year or so.
    One of my favorite series. My love of reading has gotten me where I am to day and I have to credit Clarke in no small way for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    Just curious, where did you get that information?
    I'd be interested in that myself.

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    There is no doubt that he could write. However, he was also a pederast and chose to live in Sri Lanka where his proclivities were less apt to result in prosecution than if he had remained in North America or Europe.
    This is less than certain. The Daily Mirror story was retracted. Sri Lanka police investigations could not find anything. Its not even clear that he was homosexual--- while he never denied suggestions that he was "gay" he never confirmed them "in public". I would see him "innocent" (despite whatever I may suspect) until proven guilty. Doubt? There is always doubt!
    [personally I feel his contributions have been horribly over-rated and I never viewed him as a terribly gifted writer or technologist--- 2001 was a great film but that's because Stanley Kubrick was a gifted and technologically astute filmmaker]

  4. #14
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    A note from your friendly neighborhood Moderator

    This thread was posted for those who enjoyed the works of Arthur C. Clarke and wanted to share their thoughts on his passing. Lets try to keep this thread for those who wish to express their respects.

    My father is an Engineer and he instilled in his children a respect of Science Fiction where the "Science" was intregal to the story.

    He enjoyed Clarke's work very much and I have fond memories of him sharing those books with me.

    Requiescat in pace Mr. Clarke

    Last edited by Panache; 19th March 08 at 01:23 PM. Reason: Typo
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    Memory eternal.

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    Citing the Source

    Not exactly the best kept secret in SiFWA, especially amongst the senior pros. We were warned early on (as I recall, by Marion Zimmer Bradley) to keep an eye on our son (now 34) when attending Cons in the USA if ACC was in attendance. I've no idea if ACC was gay or not -- most pederasts aren't. As far as his books are concerned, I'm not a fan. If it hadn't been for the success of the film 2001 there is no telling where or when his career would have ended. Having said all of this, I think this has gotten way off topic, an offer a spoon full of apple sauce for having taken it down the wrong path.
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 19th March 08 at 04:32 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rathdown
    Having said all of this, I think this has gotten way off topic, an offer a spoon full of apple sauce for having taken it down the wrong path.
    I would re-direct everyone's attention to Panache's post above asking that the thread remain on-topic. If we continue crossing the line, the thread will be locked & in the penalty box.



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    Thumbs down

    OK, I hate to pitch in with 2 of this forums bigger spoilers, but but since I started the thread...

    In SF circles there is one in every crowd that will haul out that pederast tale to malign Clarke, I think because he is generally considered to be gay.
    All I'll say is that Clarke actually beat that rap before it even started. The paper that printed it retracted instantly with him following with a lawsuit. Settled out of court and he donated it to children's charities in his adopted country where he'd become kind of a hero. Tabloids used to print small shockers about prominent people in foreign countries, but with modern communications that doesn't work anymore. And, during the time they printed it, the country was having a big crackdown on such abuse, but he wasn't implicated in any of it.

    Lock the thread if you want.
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  9. #19
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    Gents, the thread is locked.


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