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  1. #11
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    I'd reccomend the Thompson Grey. Shown here in USA Kilts semi-trad with maroon shirt and kilt hose. Never mind the gig line being askew.

    I'm guessing if you're going to a prom you're much to skinny for this one, which is offered for sale on that thread. But Rocky can maybe get one made up for you before prom time.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #12
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    ive found a black stewart at swk in my size and a wallace ... neither mean anything to me other than i love the colours ... however i would still wear them about after the prom .. by the way i am proud to play host of the crafter of the "its maroon not pink" kilt you twowere the first people i thought of when i saw her dress well thanks im off to look around again ... id order a custom but i dont have the time to wait ... good thing jerrys faster than jesus ... id much rather own than rent
    Reverend Chevalier Christopher Adam Dow II KStI

  3. #13
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    Don't forget to post pictures!

    Be well,

  4. #14
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    Congratulations! Is it there yet?
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Congratulations! Is it there yet?
    It must be on it's way because my clocks are now running backwards.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dowofbuchanan View Post
    hey im going to prom with a young ladyfriend of mine and she has picked and purchased a lovely maroon dress as my name implies i am a buchanan and have only a buchanan kilt ... which doesnt go with maroon at all ...so my question is what tartan would go best with maroon ... i dont have time to have one made in maroon but im gonna go off the rack if i can find a tartan ... ill only have 2 weeks between getting the funds and prom so handmade is out ... well any advice is apreciated as always
    This may be a bit tricky for people to understand,but here goes anyway!Wear your kilt and wear it with pride and on no account change your clan/family tartan for anything.Yes, not even for a pretty girl!I have never heard of any lady in Scotland even suggest(dare even)that the kilt should match the dress,I am not suggesting for one second that your lady has, and I have never heard of a Scotsman consider that he should.For goodness sake you have Scots blood in your veins and you want to dress like a Scot, so think like one!I very sorry to be so blunt and of course you will do what you will do anyway.Good luck.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 27th March 08 at 04:32 AM.

  7. #17
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    My advice would be to the contrary... don't worry too much about what tartan you wear, as "named tartans" are relative newcomers to the world of Highland dress. The Scots have been weaving tartan for 2000 years, but they haven't been naming those tartans for even 1/10th that time.

    ...that said, tartans do mean something in today's world, and it's important to take that into account too. At any rate, just be aware of any associations that a tartan you're wearing has.

    That said, wear what you like and what looks good!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    This may be a bit tricky for people to understand,but here goes anyway!Wear your kilt and wear it with pride and on no account change your clan/family tartan for anything.Yes, not even for a pretty girl!I have never heard of any lady in Scotland even suggest(dare even)that the kilt should match the dress,I am not suggesting for one second that your lady has, and I have never heard of a Scotsman consider that he should.For goodness sake you have Scots blood in your veins and you want to dress like a Scot, so think like one!I very sorry to be so blunt and of course you will do what you will do anyway.Good luck.
    I'm with Jock Scot on this - I'd wear my clan tartan. The odds of you exactly matching the maroon are pretty small anyway. I guess I'm kind of weird this way, but I never bother trying to match my wife's colours when I'm not kilted, so I don't when I'm kilted either. In fact, she picked a wedding dress material that matched my kilt for our wedding.
    Do what you think is right, though, and I'm sure the both of you will cut a smashing couple!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  9. #19
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    I can get beyond the title here: "infamous Panache and friends" and I am surprised no one else has commented!

    Websters defines "infamous" as: "having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil"

    Is there something more going on at these Nor Cal Rabble-Kilt Nights than they are disclosing in the photos they post?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted in Maine View Post
    ...Is there something more going on at these Nor Cal Rabble-Kilt Nights than they are disclosing in the photos they post?

    Nothing at all, absolutely nothing at all


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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