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  1. #51
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    Since I became folically challenged, I almost always wear a hat outside. Although I don't wear it a lot, I have been known to wear a balmoral at times.

    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ross View Post
    I think part of the problem is that male hat wearing, in a formal context, has become quite uncommon, of late. That said, perhaps a balmoral with no dicing would be considered a bit less "military" (though that's already what ardchoille's wearing)? I really have no idea.
    Yes, 'hat hair' is a big worry of mine. I only wear my glengarry for piping. I just recently purchased a caubeen, but I've worn it just for St. Pat's Day so far.

    BTW, for my first ceilidh in 2000, I didn't have so much as an argyll jacket to wear, so I wore one of my fancy Hawaiian shirts.

  3. #53
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    Although I still have a full head of hair and despise wearing hats I promise to never make a disparaging remark to those who do. Whether you wear one because you wish to or for sun protection, it's not for me to comment.

  4. #54
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    As I said the Balmoral always reminds me of Archie the Inventor, In Scotland if you wear a hat its normally beacsuse your a piper or, god fobid -a Drummer, it is a fact that its mostly tourists here that wear tams and Balmorals, other than the Tartan Army, I rarely wear hats other than for pipeing, Ive always fancied a Top hat like Slash, or a cowboy hat, I have a few wooly hats and a fair collection of Glengarrys and feather Bonnet, trouble If someones wearing a hat I always think they are an "undercover baldy" wheras thats maybe a little unkind, however Id never suggest that wearing a glen or a tam with the Kilt is incorrect, I quite like those "CU Jimmy" tartan caps with the red hair poking out the bottom

  5. #55
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    First comment, you've put together a very handsome kit and wear it well in the photo. I'd disregard the "advice" he seemed to be stating as a rule. I've worn Balmorals and Glen Garrys all my life and all over the world with and without my kilt. Never received a negative comment in some sixty years and had more interesting conversations because of my chosen headgear. Women in particular always smile. Folks do seem to be fascinated by the Clan badge and that usually leads to genealogy discussions so I'm always learning - and isn't that the objective of life.

    Wear what you like, wear it proudly and enjoy it every day.
    Fair winds,

    Capt Bruce

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Did you turn him over, that's the only way to find out the difference.
    And, what do you look for?

    On second thought, don't answer that.

  7. #57
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    I only have 8 pieces of headgear- two Balmorals, one watch cap, two ball caps, and three helmets.

    That limits my choices.

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  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coemgen View Post
    Aloha and plaid, my favourite outfit! I usually wear hiking boots and (now that it's here) my pith helmet. I'll post pics one of these days.

    Comfort, baby, comfort!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Daw View Post
    BTW, for my first ceilidh in 2000, I didn't have so much as an argyll jacket to wear, so I wore one of my fancy Hawaiian shirts.
    Kilt on, my brothers! We might start a new trend, here!

    Hey, I find the Hawaiian shirt to be one of the most comfortable things to wear. Take that together with the fact that just seeing someone in a Hawaiian shirt puts a lot of people in a better mood (by virtue of how amusing and laid-back it looks), I'd say it's a great garment!

    I look at the kilt in much the same way I look at a pair of shorts: if a shirt (or other accoutrement) looks good with it, it's ok to wear them together! After all, the kilt IS a functional piece of clothing and not just a costume component!

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChattanCat View Post
    Ok, if a hat is required, what would a good scotsman wear, if it wasn't a balmoral or glengarry?
    I am not too sure that the good Scot description applies to me, a Scot is more accurate! Anyway to answer your question.In the rural areas a tweed deer stalker or a "fore and aft"(deer stalker without flaps(ish)) are popular still,flat tweed caps not so much.The baseball type hat is popular with the young and trendy in the town and country and John Deere caps are almost universal in the younger farming community.Oh,the "Elmer Fudd" style hat in realtree seems to be creeping in these days too.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 30th March 08 at 03:41 AM.

  10. #60
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    I'm A hat guy, I'd wear a hat even if I had a full head of hair. The balmoral just
    rounds out the outfit. You look great!!

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