Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
At first it does seem a bit daunting. Once you get the basics down it isn't too hard. There is also a whole range of different dance in SCD. Some are very complicated and for advanced dancers while others are simple and easily learned. Oddly what makes a particular dance easy or hard isn't neccessarily the steps/moves but how they are arranged. I have done some beginner dances that were very hard because they din't flow well, yet I managed to get through an advanced dance like "Gang the Same Gate" several months back because each move flows well into the next.

Give it a try!


In Spokane most of us are in our 60s. It's really good for us semi-seniors. Keeps the mind and the body working. Every now and then we have a dance and invite the contra dancers to come. What a difference to do contra dancing you don't need to think and only go around in circles. Nothing against contra, it's just to point out yet another advantage to SCD. Oh, yes, and in a kilt.