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    What does SCA mean?

    I see the initials "SCA" in some threads and I would like to know the meaning of these initials. I tried to google it but thousands of hits came up for everything from "South Carolina Athletics" to "Society for Creative Anachronism". And the forums wouldn't let me search for anything shorter than 4 characters.

  2. #2
    Alaskan Kilted Guy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    "Society for Creative Anachronism". These are the folks that do everything from crafts, cooking, fighting (with padded swords etc) in a style of bygone eras. I am sure there are folks here that can give you a more detailed answer.


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    I am not a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, but the members of the SCA have made and provided garb for me. In general a very nice bunch of people. Members also got me into kilts, though, they do not generally deal with that time period except with a little fudging on the belted plaid. Guess they cover the medieval time period.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 4th April 08 at 05:55 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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    Quote Originally Posted by ardchoille View Post
    I see the initials "SCA" in some threads and I would like to know the meaning of these initials. I tried to google it but thousands of hits came up for everything from "South Carolina Athletics" to "Society for Creative Anachronism". And the forums wouldn't let me search for anything shorter than 4 characters.
    As has been mentioned above, the acronym "SCA" is usually referring to The Society for Creative Anachronism. We're a bunch of fun-loving people who enjoy researching and re-enacting aspects of history, covering the time period from 600 AD to 1600 AD. The "creative" part comes into the interpretation of the re-enactment.... for example, instead of fighting with real metal swords, we use rattan cane covered in tape. This enables our fighters to use full force when swinging said 'sword', but reduces the likelihood of removing the head of one's opponent! Similarly, we may cut corners in other areas (e.g. cotton cloth instead of linen, etc) for budgetary reasons or ease of location of materials. The point is to educate ourselves about history while having fun at the same time (with the emphasis on FUN).

    That's the short version - if you want to learn more, there are a ton of websites devoted to the SCA... just google the term, and you'll find a lot more information.


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    Ah, I found the SCA website and found my kingdom; An Tir. I'm going to look into this, it sounds quite interesting.

    Thanks for the info folks

  6. #6
    highlander_Daz's Avatar
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    Has anuone ever been to an SCA event , they look a laugh, whats the craic? are they all nutloafs? or are they OK the women all seem to have heaving Cleavages and the men seem to dress up as pirates, more info please.

  7. #7
    Vafuth is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I've been to a number of SCA events. They're a blast!!! My personal favorite is Pennsic War.

    Pennsic War is a two week long event held in western Pennsylvania. As many SCA member (or SCAdians) refer to it, its 2 weeks of feasting, fighting , and F**king. but there is far more to it than that.

    During the day, aside from the actual battles, there are workshops (referred to as "Pennsic University") with classes on everything from period cooking to making clothing, dancing, fencing, and more. there is also a merchants market with everything from swords to tunics, drinking horns, armor, horse bows, leather, fabric, and of course food.

    but at night...usually a little after sundown (o-dark-thirty...30 mins after sundown) the parties begin. many gather around the rather large campfires for drum circles, there is always a good supply of both purchased and home brewed beers and ales. belly dancers, mead, food, even WODE (a paste made from a plant of the same name...the real version of the "blue" face paint from the braveheart movie)...

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    A little more info...

    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz View Post
    Has anuone ever been to an SCA event , they look a laugh, whats the craic? are they all nutloafs? or are they OK the women all seem to have heaving Cleavages and the men seem to dress up as pirates, more info please.
    Hehehe...ok, let's add a little more info. Yes, the women do tend to have "heaving cleavages", mostly as a by-product of the dress design than anything else. There's something about a dress that has either a corset incorporated into the design or added as a separate piece of clothing / underwear that tends to have that effect.

    As for men dressing like pirates....hmmm.... here's where we get onto the subject of "authenticity". The degree of authentic recreation of historic clothing really depends on the individual (i.e. how much effort they are willing to put into reproducing an accurate ensemble). It's very much like highland games: some will come dressed in a proper kilt, while others seem to think that a tablecloth wrapped around their middle equates to a kilt! :LOL:

    Since most guys like the armored fighting, they tend to put more effort into ensuring their bones stay intact, and less effort into the clothes they wear around the campfire.... it's a generalization, sure, but still reasonably accurate.

    I can't speak for any SCA events over here in the USA, but in Australia the events tend to be arranged thusly: morning = armor inspection, midday = fighting and lunch, afternoon = more fighting, evening = dinner and...*ahem* sundry pursuits.

    Pro Libertate (For Freedom!) The motto of the Wallace Clan
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    My own experiences with the SCA have not been so rosy. I find them to be cliquish, given to picking on new-comers, and prone to believing that everything revolves around people in armor.

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    In Agreement Here

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall View Post
    My own experiences with the SCA have not been so rosy. I find them to be cliquish, given to picking on new-comers, and prone to believing that everything revolves around people in armor.
    ...to which I could only add that many, if not most, ain't exactly socially well-adjusted, and the stick-jocks (sorry, "knights")... well some of them are in a league of their own.

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