Thank you one and all for your kind words and assistance. I knew if i put out a call for help, you guys would be johnny on the spot. I will start making inquiries of your suggested links. And all my best to you as well. Say some prayers for the boys and girls still over there, they are the best and brightest and i am always amazed that they keep coming forward to do the hard work when so many at home would love to see them fail. Sorry, bordering on political. Again thanks.
If you let us know what style of sporran you are looking for I can contact him for a price quote on the job.
I would certainly second Matt's suggestion. Lamar does a LOT of work with fur and his craftsmanship is second to none. He also makes a wide variety of different styles of sporran, all of which look great and are highly functional and durable. One of his sporrans is every bit the heirloom that a finely tailored kilt is.