Welcome from West Texas.
A kilted Celt on the border. Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.
from Seattle, WA.
from the piedmont of North Carolina
I've survived DAMN near everything Acta non Verba
from the center of the USA
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
Welcome from Guyton, Georgia from another newly kilted one.
from your friendly local Poor, Starving Liberal Arts Student!
Hello and a warm from Boston, Massachusetts
It is always good to see another North Carolinian join the board. A Hearty welcome form about an hour west of you in the foothills.
Nelson "Every man dies. Not every man really lives" Braveheart
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