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Thread: My $300 mistake

  1. #51
    Join Date
    8th January 08
    The Bayou City - Houston, TX
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    This reminds of when I attended the black tie dinner at the Long's Peak Highland Games in Estes Park, CO, a couple of years ago. It was actually my second year to attend and I had done the dinner before. I had rememebered to pack everything - the tuxedo shirt, studs, cuff links, kilt, sporran, sgian dhu, brogues etc. - everythng except the black tie. I didn't notice that until I had gotten almost completely dressed. I called the front desk to find out if there was a formal shop somewhere nearby. I was told that they would be closed, but that the hotel would find one for me. It was a waiter's tie. I promptly gave that server a very nice tip for his sacrifice!

  2. #52
    osric the pale is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    That little shop in Asheville has been there for decades, unfortunatly, between her prices and her attitude, that woman has singlehandedly done more to inhibit the wearing of kilts than the entire british empire after the '45I used to work a the trophy house a few doors down from her on wall st. Every so often i would wander in to lust after her stock...it really is nice stuff, but she would look at my scruffy :butt:and she would start to fume! (especially if i had a skateboard under my arm)You would think that this would get old after awhile, but it never did:mrgreen:
    and for real entertainment try asking her "if u wuz born here,how are u scottish?(NO...my parents are really married...to each other!)
    Last edited by osric the pale; 27th April 08 at 06:12 PM.

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