28th April 08, 12:27 PM
So the question about braces got me thinking. Are there any skinheads on the boards? My hair is about an inch long, but I still put on braces and boots and go to an Oi! show every once in awhile. But now I'm thinking of boots, braces, and a kilt for the next one I'm going to. But I'm not sure that my thin skinhead braces would do much compared to my big heavy kilt...
28th April 08, 12:37 PM
Tread lightly here folks.......I believe Greg is discussing punk concert fashion and culture and not a political group. I will remind everyone of the forum rules here
Hate Speech/Hate Groups
This forum will not tolerate hate speech in any manner. This includes but is not limited to sex, color, race, religion, creed, or sexual preference.
If you are found to support what we deem as a hate group you will be banned from the forum permanently. The X Marks Forum Staff will vote on whether or not this is appropriate action. Once done, however, the decision will be final.
Association with the following groups warrant immediate banning (although other hate groups will be banned as well):
White Supremacists
Ku Klux Klan
Racist Skinhead
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Islamic Extremist
28th April 08, 12:43 PM
Tread lightly indeed.
This wiki article sums it up pretty well. Keep the topic pointed that way so we don't have to dump this thread.
I keep my head "Bic'd" at all times. However, it has NOTHING to do with skinheads. It has to do with male pattern baldness, and luck of the draw on genetics.
28th April 08, 12:51 PM
Most skinheads are apolitical, which is what this thread should be. All I'm asking about is skinhead fashion...and maybe your favorite Oi! band.
Last edited by beloitpiper; 28th April 08 at 01:49 PM.
28th April 08, 12:52 PM
Personally, I don't think the size of your braces would matter considering a kilt that fits right should stay up on it's own.
Back to the question, I've been known to sport a closely shaved head or an extremely cropped mohawk from time to time. I also like to wear Corcoran jump boots with my pant cuffs rolled up. However, I never wore braces, a satin bomber jacket, listened to oi! music or considered myself a skinhead of any kind. A few times at punk shows people thought I was a skinhead, though.
[B]Clan Rose[/B]-[SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Constant and True[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I]"I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblins; In a brand new pair of brogues to ramble o'er the bogs and frighten all the dogs " - D. K. Gavan[/I][/SIZE]
28th April 08, 01:03 PM
I'm an apolitical trad-skin, with a bit of Mod flair... A little classier and a bit less aggro than your average oi skin. I frequently wear my kilt with straight-laced Docs and a flat cap, but I haven't done braces with the kilt... yet. I'll have to try on my 1/2 white braces with my Black Watch, a band tee, and my Docs with white laces, and see how it looks. I'm wondering if the skinhead look is too "English" to be mixed with a kilt, like a derby or bowler, you know?
Some of my favorite Oi bands are Cocksparrer, The Business, and Bonecrusher.
Tatoo Bradley, I would have referred everone to that same article. Good call.
Greg, if you're ever in southern California, hit me up. We'll find a pub or a show and have a good time. The first round is on me.
Last edited by Clockwork John; 28th April 08 at 01:12 PM.
28th April 08, 01:09 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoo Bradley
I must be getting old, but I learn something new every day! Thanks for the link, TB.
"Touch not the cat bot a glove."
28th April 08, 01:25 PM
I to have very close cut hair occasionally been known to bic it all the way down. Here in Arizona we have a real problem with the "nazi" skinheads so I tend to let my hair grow out when I plan on attending a concert or other function that that element might be present.
28th April 08, 01:27 PM
 Originally Posted by Macman
I must be getting old, but I learn something new every day!  Thanks for the link, TB.
Very interesting link. As you may see in my avatar, I sometimes wear my hair short, and the combat boots etc. I lean to the style, but had no idea of any history of the style.
Thanks again!
28th April 08, 01:49 PM
Also, since this thread has very little to do with kilts, I've moved it to Off Topic.
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