Timely Topic
It was warm around here last week and the first squadron of Black Flies were out! I had to mix a batch of chemicals at work and I left the roll up door open in the chem room. It was cool and darker in there compared to outside and while I was dumping 80# bags into the batch tank the bugs swarmed under the kilt Not Cool, NOT COOL!. It was something that I had to pay attention to while I was doing it so I really couldn't run away. It was however the quickest batch that I ever mixed and from now on the door will remain closed. How does acrylic react to DEET? It doesn't like caustic soda (don't ask me how I know!)
Pretty soon the "NoSeeums" will be out. Boy I just can't wait!
I spend a lot of my summer and fall in northern Wisconsin half way between KEVINKINNY and SORCERERDALE, and I have to say our midges are harmless. But, we do have that dreaded Deerfly. They don't swarm like the midges and skeeters, but man one bite and your heading for the bar for some liquid pain killer.
Several years ago, my hubby and I went to Chicago (he's from there) and he took me to Volo Bog. At some point during our lovely walk around it, we ran into a swarm of deerfly (he says that's what they were). Anyway... OUCH! He wanted to take a photo of me being swarmed. No thank you... that's a memory I'd rather not have in detail (I remember enough, thank you) I could've punched his lights out for holding me up that long (and wanting to take a photo while I was in such pain) while I was just wanting to get out of there. I felt those things bite through my clothes! Eek!
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10th April 08
guyton georgia
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Any body else just start itching after reading this. In georgia we have a combo of "no-see-ums" or gnats mosquitos ,deer flies, and the smaller biting flies.
My wife has been living in PA (from Oklahoma) for about 12 years now and is still afraid to sit on the grass. She keeps mumbling something about "chiggers" ....