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Thread: Branston Pickle

  1. #71
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    Accept no substitutes, gentlemen! Crosse & Blackwell's finest:

    best regards

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    Lunch today

    I don't cook much these days since I've been living on my own. Last night I was rummaging around the freezer looking for something to eat when I came across a pork roast I had long forgotten about. I decided it had probably done enough time in there, so today I set about set about fixing something nice for myself for lunch and leaving me something to nibble on the rest of the week. So here's what I came up with, all with ingredients on hand:

    Center cut boneless pork roast on a bed of sauerkraut surrounded by slices of peeled apple and planks of onion, seasoned with thyme, minced garlic, a heavy dusting of freshly ground pepper and a bit of sel de mer, and slathered generously with Branston Pickle.

    It just went into a slow oven, so I'll have to let you know in about five hours how it came out.

    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  3. #73
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    I'm low carbing - so I get a slice of cheese with slices of tomato fixed on top with splobs of Branston pickle, or half a tomato with a chunk of cheese stuck on top.

    That is the only time I really miss my home made bread - but I just can't cope with carbohydrates.

    Branston pickle is great with cold meat - I remember the huge turkeys my dad always bought at Christmas, and the perpetual leftovers up to New Year with turkey and Branston pickle sandwiches for lunch.

    One year he surpassed himself and bought one that would not fit into the roasting tin or the oven and Mum had to swap with a neighbour. We cooked their bird and they cooked ours, and then they were swapped over just before everything else was ready. That bird was so tough!! I wouldn't like to have met up with it in life, it must have been a real bruiser. I think that year it was minced turkey most days of the holiday.
    I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
    -- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by McGurk View Post
    I'm sorry to spoil the fun of everyone teasing our transatlantic brethren, but...

    If you're really desperate for a decent pickle, and have at little competence in the kitchen, you can make it yourself. My mam and aunt make gallons of various preserves in the summer, so here's their pickle....
    Thanks for the recipe, I'm going to try it. You could also use it in place of a chutney with a nice curry.
    Animo non astutia

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