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  1. #1
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    Wedding attire help

    So one of my buddies is getting married this weekend. I will not actually be in the wedding, just attending. I just recieved my PC in the mail, and planned to wear that but I have some concerns about it.

    The wedding is at 4 PM so technically wouldnt the PC be too much? I fear that I will be way overdressed. At most weddings in the area that I have been to, I feel over dressed in a suit when compared to the rest of the people attending.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
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    That title scarred me. I thought we'd lost another one to the marriage monster. I'd probably dress down a little from the PC for attending a wedding. But you know you want to wear it so go ahead. It will look great.

  3. #3
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    An Argyll/braemar/crail jacket would be better ,I think. Assuming that you are going to wear a jacket.

  4. #4
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    It'd probably be fine just to wear a dress shirt and tie, if you don't have a more informal jacket. If you do wear the PC, dress it up.

  5. #5
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    I do have green tweed argyle, but it only matches my MacMillan kilt. I was hoping to wear my Cunningham. I may just settle and wear the green tweed argyle. I think it will save me a headache in the long run. I may post a couple of photos of potential outfits and get some opinions from there.


  6. #6
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    If your heart is set on wearing the Cunningham then wear it with the pc. Even though you'd be a bit overdressed it would look fine. I don't believe the "unkilted" equate the pc with a tuxedo - they see it as a kilt jacket. Wear it with a vest and you can take off the jacket if you feel overdressed.

  7. #7
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    The wedding is at 4 PM so technically wouldn't the PC be too much? I fear that I will be way overdressed.
    Regardless of the time, unless specified otherwise a PC would be way too much; as inappropriate and out-of-place as wearing a full wetsuit with tanks, mask, & fins.
    What does the invitation say? Very many formal weddings around here start before six; however nobody outside of the wedding party is expected to dress black tie. After six, not all weddings are formal. A less formal jacket & tie like the Argyll would be fine (unless of course it's an informal garden or beach wedding, in which case loose the coat). It's their wedding; dress according to your host's expectations; when in doubt, ask. That's why you're called a "guest".

  8. #8
    Chef is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Quote Originally Posted by robthehiker View Post
    Even though you'd be a bit overdressed it would look fine. I don't believe the "unkilted" equate the pc with a tuxedo - they see it as a kilt jacket.
    I think you are incorrect on this account. It is impossible to hide a PC's formality, from the cut, to the tails and don't forget it is worn with a formal shirt and tie.

    My advice is to wear your green argyle, even though you won't be wearing your kilt of choice. Unless the invitation calls for the guests to be in black tie it would be a bad idea for you to show up in a PC. While you are an invited guest, you must remember that the focus of the day should be the bride and groom. Dressing inappropriately takes away from their spotlight and shows a lack of respect for the couple.

  9. #9
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    I am wholly in agreement with PiobBear and Chef, a PC would be way too much.

    Wear your green tweed argyle and MacMillan kilt and look very smart and very appropriately dressed. Save your PC for the right occassion, it will be worth the wait.


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  10. #10
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    I am wholly in agreement with PiobBear and Chef, a PC would be way too much.

    Wear your green tweed argyle and MacMillan kilt and look very smart and very appropriately dressed. Save your PC for the right occassion, it will be worth the wait.


    Quote Originally Posted by Chef View Post
    I think you are incorrect on this account. It is impossible to hide a PC's formality, from the cut, to the tails and don't forget it is worn with a formal shirt and tie.

    My advice is to wear your green argyle, even though you won't be wearing your kilt of choice. Unless the invitation calls for the guests to be in black tie it would be a bad idea for you to show up in a PC. While you are an invited guest, you must remember that the focus of the day should be the bride and groom. Dressing inappropriately takes away from their spotlight and shows a lack of respect for the couple.
    Ditto Jamie and Chef's comments; have you tried your Cunningham kilt with your tweed jacket? You might be surprised how well they look together.


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