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  1. #11
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    I'm not sure if my are Transition brand or not but I haven't notice them not changing fast enough when going from indoors or out or vise-versa. My only complaint is that they don't darken inside a vehicle (due to the tinted/treated windshield/window glass I'm told). Also, if it is an issue, they are not polarized. This was a plus for me as I look at a hand held computer screen while outside and polarization makes it very hard to read the screen.

  2. #12
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kent Frazier View Post
    I'm not sure if my are Transition brand or not but I haven't notice them not changing fast enough when going from indoors or out or vise-versa. My only complaint is that they don't darken inside a vehicle (due to the tinted/treated windshield/window glass I'm told). Also, if it is an issue, they are not polarized. This was a plus for me as I look at a hand held computer screen while outside and polarization makes it very hard to read the screen.
    I don't have transitions either, but on the web-site that I posted above it appears that Transitions have a product called "Drivewear" that would seem to be made specially for driving.

    I had been told years ago, that because I wear bifocals and that one lens is very much thicker than the other that these types of lenses aren't for me, but after reading that site, it appears that they may now be for bifocals now.

  3. #13
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    I have "Transitions" brand blended-line bifocals. I like them a LOT. They get dark enough for me, and I don't notice the fade back to clear when I go indoors.
    I have a large pair of regular sunglasses in the car I can quickly place over-top of these.
    No complaints. Get a pair!

  4. #14
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    Thanks everyone for their input. This information has been very helpful.

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