I received the new issue of Scottish Life magazine, yesterday, & thought the following article interesting enough to share.
Scientists at Aberdeen University have developed a way to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater with a natural by-product of Scotch whisky. According to Dr. Graeme Paton, one of the researchers and a soil toxicologist, once the organic whisky material is inserted into the ground, it first attracts pollutants and then breaks them down, rendering them harmless. Pointing out that this new approach is far cheaper and easier to deploy than anything previously known, Paton said, “Other processes used in the clean-up of sites require expensive equipment, trenches and fences.” Details of the innovative technology, known as DRAM (Device for Remediation and Attenuation of Multiple pollutants), remain a secret until patents are secured, but the scientific team did reveal that the miracle ingredient was donated by the famous Speyside distillery Glenfiddich.
Ya gotta love the acronym they used - DRAM. 
Aye, so drink a dram or two (or three) of yer favorite whisky, lads & lasses, & help clean up the Earth! 
Who'd a thought that getting polluted would help clean up pollution? 