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  1. #11
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    I'm 50 and watched the original show when it aired for the first time. I thought I was the only kid that watched it because nobody else in school talked about it for some reason. I never missed an episode.

  2. #12
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    Wow that was great! I'm really glad it had the scene where they recreated the original bridge for Scotty on TNG. That's the one episode that always stood out for me.

    And the music was fantastic.
    Sapienter si sincereClan Davidson (USA)
    Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON!My Blog
    "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers

  3. #13
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    A couple years ago, I was leaving the Ticonderoga wall*mart after a resupply for an 18c trek, and ran into Walter Koenig. I was dressed in the height of 18'th century fashion [think Magua of Last of the Mohicans] at the time, and he looked at me and grinned. I probably could have had a talk, but it wasn't attempted. Asking around later that week at fort la-presentation, I learned of recreated sets at a studio at crown point, and a shuttlecraft in a garage?!? It turned out to be work on a fan produced series,"Star Trek New voyages".

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Thank you kindly for this AA. It reminds me of the hope embodied in the entire run of Star Trek incarnations. Gene Roddenberry was a treasure to this world. I'm not ashamed to say it brought a tear to my eye.

    "Peace and Long Life"

    --Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich

    The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    ON A ROCK since April 16, 1746
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    Great music,
    Great video a kinder gentler world
    check out his other videos this one is great

  6. #16
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    Live long and prosper.

  7. #17
    thanmuwa is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
    Join Date
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    And of course the music from the TNG episode "the inner light" was very touching... Now there was an episode that pulled at my heartstrings....

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    It's remarkable how some people are really deeply influenced by Trek.

    I've always shared the opinion that Trek worked because it did show a more optimistic view of the future and when people make fun of it and put it down, I try to point that out to them.

    Perhaps one of the things about Trek (and Stargate and a few others) that doesn't always ring true for me is that "everything works out in the end and everybody makes it home"...I know that there have been exceptions to that maxim in some of the episodes and some of the movies, but it's a general trend in the Trek mythology. In real life it doesn't work that way more often than not...when somebody dies, their double from another parallel dimension doesn't show up to help tie up the loose ends or the bad guys don't see the light at the last minute and shake hands and call a truce because they realize that you have as great of a warrior's sense of honour as they do. It's an idealization and, no matter how cynical we may be, deep inside we wish that the Universe operated along the lines of Trek.

    The characters always support each other and pull for the greater good...in the end, even the ruthless Romulans cool it in order to maintain intergalactic peace since it's in their best interest (Adam Smith would have loved Trek!). Medical emergency? No problem...any one of the several doctors (holographic or not) will find a way to get you back on your feet...unless, of course, you are wearing one of those red shirts on an away mission in which case you are screwed. Warp drive off line? Just hang on...Scotty/Trip/Belanna/O'Brian will get you back on the road faster than the triple-A. I personally guarantee that you will never once hear a Chief Science Officer say, "I have absolutely no idea what it is, captain.". You will very infrequently have to make a major adjustment to the appearance of an alien humanoid species because the only differences that you'll have to get around is some variation on either their foreheads, noses or ears. (Makes interspecies dating much more feasible: "How can you date her? Look at that forehead." "Really? I find the ridges kind of sexy.")

    We dig Trek because we hope that it's "The History of the Future" and that things will turn out better than they look like they're going to. When the Guy From The Future comes back and takes you to the devastated ruin that the Earth is going to be if you don't do something about it right now, you manage to do something about it right now and when you get back the whole thing is as idyllic as it was when you warped over to the other side of the universe.

    We dig Trek because it appeals to our sense of wonder.

    There's another favorite Star Trek line of mine that I often throw out hoping that one of my kids will pick it up and give the proper response...unfortunately, neither one of them really ever gets it.

    "Have you ever taken a Galaxy Class Starship out of Star Dock?"

    "No, sir."

    "Well, there's a first time for everything...I'll be in my ready room."

    Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who hopes that his distant descendants will be partying on Rigel 4 in the future.



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