Quote Originally Posted by Sylvain View Post
But if all 3 570 members posted every day, nobody could ever read all that!
I'd rather have more choices of material to read, than to have a forum website than nobody contributed anything.

You're right that there are many threads out there that I have never read or probably will. Every day there are hundreds of posts that I never read. I pick and choose topics that intresest me, and that's it.

Even if we had 3,000 posts a day, I would still only pick and choose the threads that I wanted. I've learned A LOT about a lot of things since i've joined this list. I would hate to have it disappear, or be have every member stop contributing.

Not everyone has to contribute, but you may have something to say that someone else needs to hear, or would love to hear.

Just my two cents... carry on.