I have a friend who has advised me for months that I need a round sporran flask for my Lagavulin. I have told him I have flasks, I have sporrans and I have Lagavulin but I don't have round.
When I rented one of those hard dress sporrans for my daughter's wedding I did feel like the square flask was out of place in there. But since this is a soft sporran, when I put the square flask in, I put the convex side towards me and the concave side cradles my wallet and everybody's happy.
I like the looks of sporran flasks (maybe for Christmas) but I'm not feeling like it is a problem with this sporran.
All that by way of saying that my original concept of making a soft body sporran below a hard cantle was justified.
DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
In the Highlands of Central Oregon