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Thread: I can't wait!

  1. #1
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    I can't wait!

    I've mentioned before that I've been wanting to check out a local group, but we haven't been able to yet. I found out yesterday that they were going to do a demonstration at a local library. Christopher and I are still sick (ugh, colds!), but we were determined to check them out.

    I had a blast. They all seemed very nice and they demonstrated a handful of dances. They did the Cumberland Reel with audience participation at the end. It looked like so much fun, but I knew better than to get up and try it (coughing fits and dizzy spells don't mix well with something like that heheheh).

    They even had some live music. One gentleman played a larger tin whistle while a lady played a guitar. Then he played the small pipes and then he played the bagpipes. The interesting thing about that was since there were a lot of small children in the audience, he explained how they worked. He also turned the drones off and played on the chanter. Then he would kick in the drones one at a time to show how they all work together.

    I introduced myself and asked them a few questions after the demo. I can't wait to go to the classes. The only thing that stinks is this darn cold! I would love to go this Sunday, but if Christopher and I are still feeling this bad we probably shouldn't push it yet.


  2. #2
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    I certainly hope that you are over the colds soon, I am sure you will love Scottish Country Dancing the people I've met during my brief time at it are just the best. When you feel up to it do go out and look into it you will not be dissapointed.

  3. #3
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    I know... the most frustrating thing about colds is how you get all messed up. Things you want to do or normally do, you can't (or it's not as fun). Argh!

    I really hope Christopher enjoys it. He's been a little back and forth about it. He wasn't sure what to expect, and the class is the same day he does his really long walks with some of his co-workers. I can't imagine he'll want to be dancing the same day after a long hike like that. Plus, he just wasn't sure it would be a dance style he'd be interested in. Just when I think I'll be doing it on my own though, he'll decide to give it a try at least.

    I have a feeling I'll really get into it and enjoy the people.... I'm just not sure if he'll be joining me. We'll see though!

  4. #4
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    I hope you get over the cold soon to enjoy it.
    Even if Christopher doesn't enjoy it, you will love it and make some good friends.

    Take care of that cold!

  5. #5
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    I finally had my first class! I had a blast Great workout, especially considering we've been sick for about 2 weeks. That's the first exercise I've had in that amount of time. Time to get back to my walks, definitely!

    Christopher also had a blast Everyone was very nice, and they're getting ready for a social in August. They're teaching dances they'll be using at the social in the classes.

    Definitely a very nice way to end the weekend

  6. #6
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    Wonderful news! Welcome to the world of SCD.


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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  7. #7
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    I'm glad you both had such a good time!

  8. #8
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    That is excellent news welcome to a wonderful activity, I'm so glad you both enjoyed yourselves.

  9. #9
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    I am glad you finally made a class, Cynthia!

    Just wish it was with the Dallas group.
    We have taken a break during the summer, just because everyone goes on vacation and what-not, but we still gather at the pubs when there is someone we really like to hear and we kind of 'invade' the dining area and dance - much to the delight (or horror) of the patrons.
    Hope you and Christopher can make it to one of those...

    BTW, I went to The Tipp this past weekend and talked to the owner about setting us up another scotch tasting of some sort

  10. #10
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    I know! That's the big bummer... I mean, don't get me wrong. These folks are all very nice, but I would love to dance with you and the others I've met, too! Hopefully I'll get that chance someday in the near future Things can be a little off and on with getting out to events and outings (especially until I get a job rolling... gah!), but I'll keep an ear out and if something comes up and we can make it I would sure love to

    And mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Scotch tasting! That was SO much fun! Seriously.... I am still talking about it (Christopher is, too). It was one of the best times I have had in a LONG time!

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