9th June 08, 08:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Big Homestead
Roman sword and sandals on a man in a kilt wearing a tank top. NOW THAT IS DEFIANTLY PERIOD! But what period is what I'm trying to figure out.
Come on! The Hanes undershirt totally gives it away!
10th June 08, 08:21 AM
and they're pleated all way round!!!
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
17th June 08, 09:14 AM
three days. now I can crawl bleary eyed from in front of the screen.
let me just put my notch here on the doorpost. *scritch scritch*
agree that the missing pics are a disappointment but still a better education couldn't be found if one has to surrepticiously cruise the internet learning more about ones passion while under the auspices of earning a living.
now if someone could be so kind as to pass me a Dalwhinnie (just give me the bottle) I will wander off and dispose of my more heinous accoutrement and thank the gods I picked a decent tartan!
(who would prefer to use JohnCalvin among you fine folks if its allowed!)
PS: out of it all I still can't stop giggling over the "Like the way you roll your "rr's..."
17th June 08, 08:18 PM
I have a new do/don't combination for you all to consider- DO wear a kilt to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. DON'T forget to pleat the thing!! Aaarrrggghhh! I saw so many unpleated tableclothes at the ren fest this weekend that I was actually surprised by the three other people there wearing their kilts correctly. Oh, and one more don't- DON'T wear a kilt if you don't know what tartan is! And no I didn't type that wrong. I saw a guy wearing one of those unpleated kilts, and I really liked the tartan. I asked him what "Tartan is that?" He answered "8 yards." 
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
18th June 08, 06:50 AM
But what period is what I'm trying to figure out.
That's late YMCA period. The Village People briefly toyed with the idea of using this guy to replace the Indian, who was considered non-pc...
18th June 08, 07:19 AM
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
I have a new do/don't combination for you all to consider- DO wear a kilt to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. DON'T forget to pleat the thing!! Aaarrrggghhh! I saw so many unpleated tableclothes at the ren fest this weekend that I was actually surprised by the three other people there wearing their kilts correctly. Oh, and one more don't- DON'T wear a kilt if you don't know what tartan is! And no I didn't type that wrong. I saw a guy wearing one of those unpleated kilts, and I really liked the tartan. I asked him what "Tartan is that?" He answered "8 yards."

So let me get this straight... He was wearing 8 YARDS of unpleated material? Holy Cow he had to look like a mummy all rolled up in that stuff.
18th June 08, 07:44 AM
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
I have a new do/don't combination for you all to consider- DO wear a kilt to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. DON'T forget to pleat the thing!! Aaarrrggghhh! I saw so many unpleated tableclothes at the ren fest this weekend that I was actually surprised by the three other people there wearing their kilts correctly. Oh, and one more don't- DON'T wear a kilt if you don't know what tartan is! And no I didn't type that wrong. I saw a guy wearing one of those unpleated kilts, and I really liked the tartan. I asked him what "Tartan is that?" He answered "8 yards."

So, in other words, this guy got the concept of "eight yards" but failed to grasp the concept of it having to be pleated? Egads!
This is where your Xmarks kilt-advocate good guy nature should have kicked in and you could have directed the unfortunate fella to one or more websites, including videos on Youtube, where he could have, "...gotten some tips on how to make the outfit more authentic..." or "...gotten some pointers on how to wear it so that it's more comfortable...". All of which goes to saying in a nice way that ya dinna hae ta walk aroond lookin' like sumat tha jist felloota a laundry hamper.
18th June 08, 08:38 AM
 Originally Posted by auld argonian
So, in other words, this guy got the concept of "eight yards" but failed to grasp the concept of it having to be pleated? Egads!
This is where your Xmarks kilt-advocate good guy nature should have kicked in and you could have directed the unfortunate fella to one or more websites, including videos on Youtube, where he could have, "...gotten some tips on how to make the outfit more authentic..." or "...gotten some pointers on how to wear it so that it's more comfortable...". All of which goes to saying in a nice way that ya dinna hae ta walk aroond lookin' like sumat tha jist felloota a laundry hamper.
The conversation continued with me asking "So first time in a kilt?" He said "How could you tell?!?!" And I did just what you suggested.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.
18th June 08, 10:40 AM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Do remember to take the camera when meeting "The Kilted Legend".
Don't forget to take the camera when meeting "The Kilted Legend".
Blush, blush ........................
With apologies, Jock, I have just not had time, since returning home from 'The Highland Tour 2008', to even sort the masses of photos and videos Jim and I shot, let alone select any for display here.
Rest assured, however, that it shall be done with the least possible delay. Those we took with you at The Commando memorial do look quite good, it has to be said. Keep an eye on the Photo Section for the full story in a few days time.
Take care,
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
18th June 08, 11:11 AM
After seeing these pictures (took me about four days to go though it all) I'm really glad that I did a good bit of research before I ever decided to buy and wear a kilt.
I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow. - Fred Bear
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