from the Old Dominion State!
Mael Coluim of Virginia St. Columba Voyage Clan MacCallum Malcolm Society
from your friendly local Poor, Starving Liberal Arts Student!
from Edinburgh. I was down your way just the other week.
from Salt Lake City, Utah
Bruce! Jump on in, the water's fine!
I've survived DAMN near everything Acta non Verba
Welcome from Orlando, FL.
Welcome, from beautiful northwest Oregon.
, Bruce, from both southern US coasts!
Turn not pale, beloved snail... Member of The Order of the Dandelion, KROCS - Kilted Rabble of the Coastal South, "The SCHool: So Cal Hooligans!", Bald Rabble In Kilts: BRIKs, Kilted Lesbians, Gays, & Allies
A warm welcome to the forum from London. best regards
Welcome to the rabble from Oxfordshire
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