25th June 08, 07:04 AM
 Originally Posted by IrishGodfather
... Also, I think bands like the Rolling Stones were much more influential on the evolution of rock than the Beatles. The Beatles were huge, but I don't think they were that great in terms of a rock n roll band, maybe they popularized pop, but not rock.
I would strongly disagree with you regarding the Rolling Stones influence. Please don't get me wrong as I like the Rolling Stones, but their music has (to me) always been a continuation of the blues influenced rock of Chuck Berry and Bo Diddly (though some of their work shows a country influence ). In comparison The Beatles developed over time from a very similar begining to include a wide range of musical styles. Their later albums were pretty influencial on their contemporaries and later musicians
The Rolling Stones have some absolutely great songs but I really see them as carrying the torch of a classic blues based rock sound to the next generation instead of really changing or evolving that sound.
Just my thoughts
Last edited by Panache; 25th June 08 at 07:21 AM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
25th June 08, 07:18 AM
Great points there Panache, and I guess every one has their own opinion of what tunes are good and what tunes suck. I just happen to not like the Beatles, sorry, I just love Elvis "The King" Presley too much, the true king of Rock and Roll.
But since my original idea was to honor Rock Gods Aerosmith I'll end this discussion here, Aerosmith deserves that, they are a truely amazing band that is still huge today. Steven Tyler and Joe Perry knew how to do it man. I still rock out to Living on the Edge and Sweet Emotion almost every day.
25th June 08, 07:23 AM
 Originally Posted by Hachiman
I've played GH I,II, and III - all on other friend's machines, though. And all along, I've been saying over and over that I wanted an Aerosmith version of the game. Now it's coming out, and I don't have a console!! 
As for my favourite song: that's a tough one. "Last child" was on GH III (I think), but I'd be keen to see "Dream on", "Walk this way", "Eat the rich" and most definitely "Don't get mad, get even"!
Unfortunately I can't see a console anytime soon in my future... as it is, I'm waiting till I stop losing weight before I buy any kilts (that's bad enough, isn't it?).
Get a Wii. Pros include:
- Least expensive console (only $250).
- Gets you off the couch to play.
- No button mashing, the controller is motion controlled.
- Wii Fit exercise game. I hear it is good.
- A lot of fun!
- Comes with a disc with 6 games on it (bowling rocks!)
- Games are $10 cheaper than other console games.
- Mario, Zelda, MARIO KART!!!! Guitar Hero, Rock Band (soon), etc.
- Fun with friends!
Cons Include:
- Addicting
- uh, too much fun?
That's really about it.
25th June 08, 10:21 AM
Can't stand Aerosmith or the Beatles.
25th June 08, 10:41 AM
 Originally Posted by DrewO
Can't stand Aerosmith
Well....we all have our music preferences. To each their...
 Originally Posted by DrewO
or the Beatles.
25th June 08, 11:06 AM
Gee I feel old - really old.
I had to Google just to find out what you were all talking about, but it didn't make me feel any better.
Of course, in my day we played real guitars, a computer required at least three rooms with climate control plus a host of minions to look after it, and we could not compare the impact of various rock bands because most of them hadn't started to play back them.
I still have my old Framus, (the Texan model ) my slide rule - and my hearing - can still play a B minor seventh cord too.
One of these days I might have the time to play video games.
I haven't actually done that yet. I hope it is fun.
When I can't do anything else it might have to be.
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.
25th June 08, 02:26 PM
 Originally Posted by Pleater
I still have my old Framus, (the Texan model ) my slide rule - and my hearing - can still play a B minor seventh cord too.
One of these days I might have the time to play video games.
May I just state that if you can play guitar it is exceedingly frustrating to lose at a guitar-themed videogame to a friend who can't play at all!!
25th June 08, 03:54 PM
 Originally Posted by TheKiltedWonder
May I just state that if you can play guitar it is exceedingly frustrating to lose at a guitar-themed videogame to a friend who can't play at all!! 
Ouch - yes - though you could put it down to a plot to reduce the number of real guitar players in the world - if you were feeling really peeved - or paranoid....
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.
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