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Thread: Gratitude

  1. #1
    PiperGeorge's Avatar
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    Some of you already know that I lost my home in the "Trabing Fire" in Watsonville. I say this not for sympathy as all that I love and care for made it out safely with my Wife, our two special Great Danes, Tug and Gracie, our 15 y.o. cat Squeaky and our 30 y.o. Tennessee Walker, Blueberry (as well as my Bagpipes, our computer and an armful of clothes).
    Rather, my reason for staring this thread is as a tribute to incredible friends. I want to humbly give my deepest gratitude to AlanH for loaning me his kilt, and all the acoutrements for my bagpipe competition the day after the fire, and driving them to Campbell bloody early. Panache and F-H.C.A.G, you are amazing with your generosity and I will wear the new kilt with pride, although it will be a bit difficult to pipe-in the new kilt with tears in my eyes, but I will do my best. All of you who have sent warm wishes and offers for help, thank you.
    I have always appreciated my friends and tried to never take them for granted, but now I realize that with as much generosity and love that has come our way that I could in no way begin to appreciate my friends' capacity for kindness. Thank you all, Love George

  2. #2
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    happy birthday to the Gwenlass, hoping she had some fun even though it's a bit of a grim time, AND....


    are the best. What are friends for?

  3. #3
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    We couldn't have the official piper of the Nor Cal Rabble be without a kilt! It's a matter of pride.

    We will be over in Aptos on the 4th of July and would love to try and get you your kit in preparation for the Monterey Games the following day.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  4. #4
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    ummmm...I had no idea this had happened. I'm glad that you and yours got out unharmed and I wish you all the luck in putting it back together.

    There are worse people to have around you than Panache and AlanH.

    Guid oin ye all.

    Ferret ad astra virtus


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