Here's some pics of the DIY #1 sporran I made back in 2002. I've used this sporran a whole lot. It used to be my main sporran. I don't have production photos but I'll show some current photos and some photos of me wearing it.
Made of black suede and faux fur.
It holds a load of stuff, being it's simple functional design.
Here it is with all that junk in it!
Here's the rear view. The 2 metal rings are for the sporran belt clasps.
Here's an old family photo from my Senior recital in Nov 2003.
Playing Concerto in D Major by Leopald Mozart (That's Wolfgang's father)
Trumpet choir playing my arrangement of the Superman march.
Here's a link to a thread where I'm wearing it the other night.
Scots-Irish Club Meeting 06-24-08