2nd July 08, 04:20 AM
Sorry for your loss, as the owner of 2 dogs I know how much they mean to us.
Steve Schenk
Pigs fly East when it's raining under the bridge!
2nd July 08, 04:58 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've had to say goodbye to a few myself, and it doesn't get any easier with practice. But their love and companionship is worth it. So much so that I have a yellow lab and a dachsund as we speak.
Fac Et Spera!
2nd July 08, 05:18 AM
I am sorry for your loss. It is always hard to loose a 4 legged family member and friend.
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley
2nd July 08, 05:22 AM
I'm sorry for your loss. I have two dogs that are getting up there in age and the thought of losing them is hard enough. It's amazing how a dog can get in your heart. And that's where Bonnie will always stay.
2nd July 08, 05:22 AM
I memorialized my Nikita in the virtual pet cemetery. This is where she rests.
If you want to create a page for Bonnie, just email Christen, from the email link on the left side of the page..Chances Spot is another place to post a tribute.
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
2nd July 08, 05:48 AM
Been there...too many times! My condolences!
2nd July 08, 05:03 PM
"No truer love a man shall know, than that of a dog for his master."
I wish I could remember who said that.
My deepest sympathies for your loss, but at least you have the comfort of knowing that she had a good long life with your family.
2nd July 08, 05:57 PM
My sympathies to you over the loss of your good friend. Anyone who has owned a dog for any length of time knows the love they have for you and the love you have for them. It is special and unlike an other type of love we ever have. As to your troops seeing the tough guy cry, real men do have feelings and real men do show them. That is what makes them real men to the core, or to the Corps.
2nd July 08, 06:09 PM
Here's to Bonnie...an intelligent, loving lass who reminds us all what being a man is all about.
2nd July 08, 06:18 PM
"There's a very nice saying about the length of a dog's life. Something about how they don't have to live as long as we do, because they take a lot less time to get it right."
I totally understand. Losing someone like Bonnie is really hard.
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