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  1. #31
    Join Date
    10th May 06
    1000 Islands Area of Ontario
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    I have no idea what influences that Albert might have had on highland clothing. I do suspect that the highly militarized form of clothing might have stemmed form the many military conflicts that were part of the building of the Empire. Commissioned officers were usually the upper crust of the society. Though with the examples of Lord Bredabane, The Marquess of Tullibardine, 'Restless Pete' Mackie, the difference might be form the quick research I have been able to do, that Bredabane and Peter Mackie were never in the military, where the Marquess was. The Bredabane and Mackie pictures seem to be Vanity Fair/Spy caricatures where the Tullibardine seems to be a portrait. The VF pics might be more accurate pictures of what one may wear to a semi formal day event. It’s neat to see that traditional Highland attire has not changed all that much.

    As to Nero Wolfe, everyone knows that Mycroft was his dad!! But you can’t blame Rex Stout BSI for trying to tie in his creation to that of his hero.
    Receptively yours,
    "There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
    ~Christopher Morley

  2. #32
    Join Date
    17th December 07
    Staunton, Va
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    The Guns (and Kilts?) of Sherlock Holmes

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheep In Wolf's Clothing View Post
    You found De Waal's Universal Sherlock Holmes catalogue!! Ronald DeWaal tried to catalogue all of the works about Sherlock Holmes. It's huge!! The article you cited above is a piece from The Holmesian Observer . It was a publication from the '70's.

    Someone once said that Holmes had the most books, articles and monographs ever written for a man who never lived. The Sherlockian world is full of small publications with essays penned by Sherlockians. I have read countless ones about Watson's Bull Pup!! The most popular publication is the Baker Street Journal.
    ( http://www.bakerstreetjournal.com/ )

    If you read The Musgrave Ritual, it clearly states that Holmes shot a V.R into his wall. Now with what type of gun there is a debate.
    Ah HA! No debate there! Garry James and I unearthed Watson's trunk, containing several firearms, in California three decades ago and wrote the definitive article on the GUNS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES in the April 1975 issue of Guns & Ammo Magazine. The handgun in question was a German-made single-shot target pistol based on the Franco-Belgian Flobert patents. The pistol was chambered for the Eley #1 center-fire cartridge, and when examined an expended round was found to still be in the chamber. A photograph of the pistol (and its ammunition) accompanied the article.

    Now, all you bright Baker Street Irregulars, in which Sherlock Holmes story is there a kilted figure?

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