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  1. #21
    Join Date
    26th February 07
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    darkislander, no 8 tracks? I still have all my 8 tracks, cds, cassettes, and vinyl.
    parents still have a hand crank phonograph player, RCA Victrola, that plays the real thick discs.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    9th July 08
    Sherwood, OR
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    Well I'm a geek. Plain and simple. Computers, electronics, and gaming. I build computers for myself and friends. I always forget to charge them for it though. Yeah I'm a pushover, wanna make something of it. I'm also techsupport for my family. I am an Electronic repair technician. I love my job. As for the gaming...well I play all sorts. I also enjoy reading. I almost always have a book with me wherever I am. I go to fairs and festivals with my girlfriend. So that about sums it up.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    25th April 05
    Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
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    Great idea.

    Currently participating in:

    Music - I play several instruments, and I sing with a couple different groups at my church. I used to sing in a semi-professional group until the director retired. On occasion, I also substitute for the music director at another church.

    Scouts: I have two sons and therefore am a scout leader for both Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. I'm taking the younger son to cub scout camp tonight. The older one was off camping last weekend.

    Star Wars: OK - I'm a geek. I own, and wear, a set of Stormtrooper armor. Lately, we've been working with the Minnesota Science Museum with the Star Wars exhibit. Last month, I coordinated a Make-A-Wish event for a young boy who really likes Star Wars.

    Costuming: I just like costuming, and coming up with new, creative things. Both my boys believe I can make anything, which makes Halloween interesting.

    Previously, meaning not actively participating, but will again someday. Family comes first:

    Renaissance Faire participant
    SCUBA diving
    More music stuff (I'd love to join a local all-brass swing band)

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    15th July 08
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    Im into diving, have worked as an instructor here during the summer months, have had the oppotunity to dive around the south pacific and south east asia, south china sea etc.
    Football (soccer), rugby and softball, staple kiwi sports.

    this was from a dive trip to australia, we spent 2 weeks on a live aboard dive vessel on the great barrier reef and coral sea here are some pics it took.

    this one was from pu-pu' springs, clearest water in the world,located in the south island of nz, the water here comes of openings at about 7km an hour, great fun to swim into.

    Also im an active and involved freemason, with memberships in the "blue" (craft) and "red" (chapter) and other charity org's.
    Last edited by McMurdo; 18th July 08 at 03:21 PM. Reason: Fixed photo coding

  5. #25
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Let's see:

    Motorcycling... wife & I love to hop on and go.

    Music (playing & listening) I have a rather extensive library of vinyl & cd, and a modest synthesizer array.
    Armadillo herding.

    Aircraft (my Dad was a pilot, so it's kind of in my blood).
    Woodworking (home projects)
    Frontal lobotomy reversal.
    Some leather working.
    Jewelry making.
    PC's (I'm a bit of a computer geek)

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Firefighting, My family, and rating beers!
    Last edited by jbaker42j; 18th July 08 at 08:25 PM.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Leona Valley, California
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    My other interests include:
    -going to punk shows
    -collecting and smoking pipes
    -music (I play guitar, bass, and drums, and sing in my church choir. I'm learning the tin whistle, and one I'm good enough at that, I'll break out the practice chanter I got for Christmas.)
    -reading (mostly classic science fiction, dystopian fiction, and religious texts)
    -Scotch whiskey (buying, drinking, sharing with friends)
    -I run the parish book store at my church.
    -I love animals. I have quite a menagerie at my house (18 animals at last count... andthose are just mine, not the rest of the family's pets!) and I frequently go hiking to see what kind of critters I can find.
    -I love coffee, and sometimes do coffee tastings with the new hires down at the local coffee house, because I know more about coffee than some of the people who work there.
    -and last, but definitely not least, being a good husband is how I spend alot of my time. My wife is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I appreciate and enjoy spending time with her so much that I definitely need to list it as one of my other interests.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Im playing the tin whistle too...then moving my way up to the practice chanter, I never dealt with wind instruments before now. The Bagpipes are my motivation.....just something about those pipes

  9. #29
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Join Date
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    My first and favorite hobby is cars. I've built and owned a number of hotrods over the past 30 years. This is the one I have now, and it's the first one I've had that is not for sale at any price. It's not fancy, but I have a history with this truck that goes back to 1978-79.

    I also dabble in antiques and collectibles, coins, stamps, old documents, diecast toy cars, etc. My wife and I love to spend time at garage sales, flea markets, and antique shops.

    Aside from that stuff, I enjoy basic photography, music (especially 70's "AM rock"), motorcycles (although I no longer own one ), traveling, stand-up comedy, and many more things too numerous to mention.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    22nd November 07
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    Well... I've spent the last eight or so years working with desert plants... some tropicals too. I work with bonsai a bit which ties into my work with ceramics... It's just all tangled up.
    Last edited by Bugbear; 19th July 08 at 06:47 AM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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