I'll be going to Dragoncon this year to help a friend with a Warhammer Tournament. One portion of the event, we will be offering "Sit'n Go" games. We are providing 500 point armies for short quick games. (quick is relative to the usual length of a 2000 point Warhammer game) So we are scambling to borrow and put together as many 500 point armies as possible. As a result I have been prodded to quit procrastinating and get 500 points of my Bretonnian army painted for the event.
They are being painted in the colors of the Royal Standard of the King of Scots, red and yellow. I'm almost there. There are only four knights left. All of the horses, archers and yeoman are done. I had them all lined up, feeling like I have accomplished something. Then, a little voice whispers from the back of my head, "You still have 1500 points in the case, still unpainted."
Well the army will look cool regardless. I'll get started on the other 2/3rds of my army soon.